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Expired licences

Adviser name Adviser location
Abalos, Mark Jeffrey Meneses (Mark)
Abalos, Mark Jeffrey
2/50 Illawarra Street
Sydney 2218
Allawah Australia
Abel, Sarai Pania (Sarai)
Kiwioz Immigration
17 Amersham Way
Auckland 2023
Manukau New Zealand
Adair, Matthew Ryan
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Adams, Warrick James Haddad (Warrick James) Ltd
2 Albury Court
Albury Road
Surrey GU1 2YW
Guildford United Kingdom
Adams, Jonathan Elliott
Study Life Pte. Ltd.
7 Tanjong Pagar Plaza,
Singapore 081007
Singapore Singapore
Afiz, Zeenat
Zeenat Afiz & Associates
1909/26 Albert Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Aguada, Maria Alejandra (Alejandra)
6 Mural Place
Auckland 0632
Greenhithe New Zealand
Aguilar, Maria Luisa (Malou)
MLA Migration Consultancy
22 Cheltenham Close
Brisbane 4109
Sunnybank Hills Australia
Ahio, Veisinia Lupe (Veisinia)
Immigration Advice NZ Limited
Level 1
166 Harris Road
Auckland 2013
East Tamaki New Zealand
Ah-Kuoi, Taifau Tai (Tai)
Tak & Associates
324 Great South Road
Auckland 2025
Papatoetoe New Zealand
Ahluwalia, Damneet Singh (Dee)
Visas Simply Pty Ltd
Level 39
2 Park Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Ahn, Kris Joohyung (Kris)
No Borders Migration Advocates
Level 4
20 Park Road
Brisbane 4064
Milton Australia
Ahsan, Kazi Abu Hena Shahid (Kazi)
eduaid Immigration Services
Plot - 6, Suite - D4, Level - 4, Block - SW(H), Gulshan Avenue
Dhaka 1212
Gulshan 1 Bangladesh
Aiolupotea, Salesa (Charles)
Breakthrough Consultancy Limited
41/182 Flat Bush School Road
Auckland 2019
Flat Bush New Zealand
Akbar, Rokhan
Link Services Australia
4 Brighton Retreat
Melbourne 3806
Berwick Australia
Albano, Bernie Khristianne Gethryn Sambrano (Khris)
Albano Migration Pty Ltd
68/11 Glenvale Ave.
Sydney 2768
Parklea Australia
Albuquerque, Andre Luiz Cavalcanti de
JustVisas Migration Services
Level 6, 285 Clarence Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney CBD Australia
Ali (Lakhani), Imran (Imran Ali)
Vision Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd
Suite 206 Level 2, 250 Pitt
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Alkamil, Abdulrehman (Abi)
331 Foster Road, RD1
Kumeu 0891
New Zealand
Allen, Sarah Louise
SIRVA Relocation Pty Ltd
80 - 92 Sheffield Road
Perth 6106
Welshpool Australia
Allen, Carol Joy (Carol)
Western Institute of Technology At Taranaki
20 Bell Street
New Plymouth 4310
Welbourn New Zealand
Alom, MD Zahangir (Zahangir)
Bridging West
Unit 9
15 Ricketts Road
Melbourne 3149
Mount Waverley Australia
Amirafshar, Iraj
Iraj Amirafshar
1/3 Palmer Street
North Sydney 2062
Cammeray Australia
Ancuta, Simona Liliana (Simona)
LH Global Pty Ltd
Level 24
108 St George Terrace
Perth 6000
Perth Australia
Anderson, Laurie Kay
South Seas Immigration
85 Beachfront Lane
North Shore City 0630
Browns Bay New Zealand
Andvick, Jacek Michal (Yatsek)
AIC Immigration Consultancy
3/301 Office Building
17 Customs Street, Queens Arcade
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Arens, Natalia (Natasha)
Shop 3, 16 Elford Street
Cairns 4879
Clifton Beach Australia
Aria, Leila
Level 36, Riparian Plaza
71 Eagle Street
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane Australia
Arora, Veenu
Indo Ausie Factor Pty Ltd
109 Felton Road
Carlingford 2118
Carlingford Australia
Arora, Agrima
Studywel Immigration Solutions Limited
8 Carrygawley Road
Auckland 2019
Flatbush New Zealand
Arthur, Paul James
The Emigration Group Limited
14 Grosvenor Court
Chester CH1 1HG
Foregate Street United Kingdom
Aryan, Damon
Select Visa
Unit 11 Level 4 , No 64
Saeidi Street , Afrigha Blvd.
Jordan Iran
Asif, Asif
17B Modillion Avenue
Perth 6148
Shelley Australia
Au, Stephen Grant (Stephen)
Citizens Advice Bureau New Lynn
New Lynn Library Building
3 Memorial Drive
Auckland 0600
New Lynn New Zealand
Au, Ka Fai (Gavin)
IMMI Migration
Unit 11, 359 Warrigal Road
Brisbane 4113
Eight Mile Plains Australia
Au, Fook Weng (Phillip)
Phillip Au & Associates (Aust) Pty Limited
Phillip Au & Associates
Level 3, Suite 26, 301 Castlereagh Street
Sydney 2000
NSW Australia
Au Yeung, Wai Ling Donna
37 Swanston Road
Yokine 6060
Western Australia Australia
Aucamp, Martinus Philippus (Martin)
M.P Immigration Services Limited
644B Whangaparaoa Road
Whangaparaoa 0932
Stanmore Bay New Zealand
Ayazian Mavi (Mavi), Zahra (Zara)
Elite Migration Advisers
29 Tyrrell Road
Brisbane 4074
Jamboree Heights Australia
Azadi, Ehsanolah (Ehsan)
Arc Migration
82 Wendouree Crescent
Brisbane 4074
Westlake Australia
Badish, Lana Kim
ECB Consultants
Mfishane Lane
Outer West Durban 3624
Assagay South Africa
Bajwa, Jujhar
Bajwa Consultants Pty Ltd
Suite 1002, 125 Swanston Steet
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Baker, Danielle (Dani)
Straight Up Consulting Limited
Alfred Street
Blenheim 7201
Blenheim New Zealand
Bakhtiar, Mehnaz Nawaz
Suite 203 25-27 Grose Street
Sydney 2150
New South Wales Australia
Balaba, Jeanely
23/453-457 Springvale Road
Springvale 3171
Springvale Australia
Balanta, Merlene Bantola
Horizons New Zealand Immigration Consulting Inc
Unit 610 City & Land Mega Plaza
ADB Avenue. corner Garnet Road
Pasig City 1605
Ortigas Center Philippines
Bambrick, Adrian Robert (Adrian)
Bambrick Legal
Suite 12
15 Fullarton Road
Kent Town 5067
Kent Town Australia
Barrow, Karen Constance (Karen)
Karen Barrow
14 Crescent Road
Auckland 1023
Epsom New Zealand
Barry, Lucy Jane
Global Mobility Hub Pty Ltd
Level 8, 71 Walker St
Sydney 2060
North Sydney Australia
Bauit-Owczarek, Evangeline (Geline)
Bluephoenix International Limited
Unit 1, 17 Blackbridge Road
Wellington 6012
Wadestown New Zealand
Bayldon (Bayldon), Stephen John (Stephen)
22a Louvain Avenue
Auckland 1041
Mt Roskill New Zealand
Bedi, Maninder Singh
EDU.NZ Limited
464A Rangiuru Road
Western Bay of Plenty 3188
Tepuke New Zealand
Begum, Naz
Aim Immigration Limited
4/78 Paihia Road
Auckland 1061
One Tree Hill New Zealand
Benjamin, Robert Donald
Achieve Immigration Limited
Level 4
369 Queen Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Bentley, Zeke David
The Migration Place
Shop 10
293 Adeladie Street
Brisbane 4000
Bernadou, Paul Albert (Paul)
Paul Bernadou
Unit 1102. 11/F, Tung Wah Mansion
199-203 Hennessy Road
Hong Kong
Wanchai Hong Kong
Best, Paul Robert (Paul)
Intergate Emigration (Pty) Ltd
71 Loop Street
4th Floor
Cape Town 8001
Cape Town South Africa
Best, Jennifer Susan (Jenny)
Virtue Consulting
Level 4
10-12 Federal Street
Auckland 1143
New Zealand
Bhambi, Pawan K
Enigma Education and Migration Consultancy
Suite 408, Level 4
343 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Bhangoo, Amanpreet Singh
Bullseye Consultants
Suite 9
272 Hay Street
Perth 6008
Subiaco Australia
Bharani, Aseem
Saga studies Pty Ltd
SCO-3, Lower ground floor,
distt. shoping centre,
Amritsar 143001
Ranjit Avenue, India
Bhardwaj, Toshit
38 Cameron Drive
Melbourne 3029
Hoppers Crossing Australia
Bhullar, Maninderpal Singh
Nikriane & Associates
Suite 1308, 109 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
Biermann, Petrus Christiaan (Chris)
Budget Migration
39 a
Vincent Gardens Angle
East London 5247
Vincent South Africa
Birch, Stuart John
Skillbase Migration Ltd
94 Dixon Street, Level 7
Wellington 6142
Te Aro New Zealand
Bird, Cheryl Ann (Cheryl)
Bird Australian Migration Agency
44 Glen Ross Road
Brisbane 4073
Sinnamon Park Australia
Birukila, Gerida Joseph
Hope International Migration Limited
420 Chole Road
Dar Es Salaam
Bleskie, Oliver Nicholas
212 Rangatira Road
Auckland 0626
Beach Haven New Zealand
Bogdanow, Christian Karl (Christian)
Kiwi Immigration Ltd.
Kiwi Immigration Ltd.
35 Captain Scott Rd
Auckland 0602
Glen Eden New Zealand
Boniface, Ronald Douglas (Doug)
Aotearoa Immigration Advisers New Zealand Limited
7 Iti Place
Tumara Park
Christchurch 8083
Parklands New Zealand
Booiman, Marcel Frank
Visa Versa B.V.
Oranjepark 5
Dordrecht 3311 LP
- Netherlands
Bosse, Awany Wadiekella
104 Yates Road
Sydney 2234
Bangor Australia
Boukheddar, Jillian Louise (Jill)
The Australian Migration Company
Clifton Road
Manchester M24 2RD
United Kingdom
Bourne, Dimitri Ji
Mygration Pty Ltd.
Unit 11, 66 Marine Parade
Gold Coast 4215
Southport Australia
Bowe, Esther Charlotte (Esther)
IMMagine Immigration
55 - 57 High Street
Auckland New Zealand
Bregar, Marion Maria (Marion)
SIRVA Relocation
Level 1, 17 Raglan Street
Melbourne 3205
South Melbourne Australia
Britanico, Daisy Brusas
Daisy Britanico Accounting & Immigration Services
8/6 Islington Avenue
Auckland 0600
New Lynn New Zealand
Broughton, Beverley Anne (Bev)
VETEA Foundation
Level 2, Suite 32
207 Currumburra Road
Gold Coast 4214
Ashmore Australia
Brown, Raymond John (Ray)
Ashmore Brown & Associates
Level 6
50 York Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Browne, Jason Jude
Browne Immigration Advisers
5/10 Towns Crescent
Canberra 2612
Turner Australia
Buenaventura, Christopher (Chris)
Australia & New Zealand Immigration Advisory
Level 32, 1 Market Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Buontempo, Josephine Rita
Kasali Migration & Visa Services Australia
Level 28 AMP Tower
140 St. Georges Terrace
Perth 6000
Perth Australia
Burger, Graham Andrew Anthony
GB Immigration Limited
20 Clensmore Place
Auckland 0630
Torbay New Zealand
Burnett-Wake, Cathrine Mary (Cathrine)
Harris Wake Pty Ltd
Ground Floor, 92 Foster Street
Melbourne 3175
Dandenong Australia
Butler, Andrew J Limited
2nd Floor, 42 High Street
Guildford GUI 3EL
Guildford United Kingdom
Butler, Philip Charles (Phil)
Onsite Human Capital Ltd
13 Springbok Avenue
Whitianga 3510
Natal Estates New Zealand
Cagney, James Frederick
13/82 Limetree Parade
Gold Coast 4216
Runaway Bay Australia
Cai, Ying
Aushome Consulting Pty Ltd
35 Pinewood Avenue
Melbourne 3135
Ringwood East Australia
Calabro, Domenico Giuseppe (Domenic)
Dandom Pty Ltd.
T/A Next in Line Migration Services
75 Morley Drive
Perth 6021
Balcatta Australia
Calabro, Carmelo Antonio (Carmelo)
Next In Line Migration
75 Morley Drive
Perth 6021
Balcatta Australia
Caldera, Sanji Aravindha (Sanji)
15 Conowindra Close
Melbourne 3064
Mickleham Australia
Campbell, David
Crevecoeur Guile Campbell Limited
31 Cherry Drive
Dunedin 9024
Mosgiel New Zealand
Campo, Regina Gariando (Regina)
Across NZ Immigration Services Limited
80 Popokatea Drive
Auckland 2112
Takanini New Zealand
Cao, Jingsong (Michael)
Michael JingSong Cao
TipTop English, Building 2 Level 3 Yi Cheng Fu Di Square,
No.364 Wang Fa Street
Tianjin 300450
TangGu China
Cao (Cao), Julie Jialin (Julie)
Orient Consultants Ltd
148 Lucerne Road
Auckland 1050
Remuera New Zealand
Capatana, Andrei
NSIS Romania
36 Nicolae Grigorescu Blvd
Bloc S1D, Apt. 10
Bucharest 030455
Sector 3 Romania
Cappelle, Eric
Eric Cappelle
Donkerelaan 48A
Bloemendaal 2061JN
Carman, Christopher John (Chris)
Global Mobility Hub t/a Carman & Associates
Level 6, 52 Phillip Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Carmichael, John Robert (John)
Self Employed
16 Ennismore Rd
Auckland 1025
Mt Albert New Zealand
Casson, James Robin (James)
Phoenix Rising Immigration Services
13 Corriedale Lane
Christchurch 7618
West Melton New Zealand
Chait, Ivan Mark (Ivan)
Santa Fe Visa + Immigration
Level 6, 50 York Street,
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Challinor, Karen
The University of Auckland
Level 7, 49 Symonds Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Chan, Yi Kim (Kim)
Hitchcock & Associates
Suite 1905, Level 19
Tower A, Zenith Centre, 821 Pacific Highway
Chatswood 2067
Chan, Tiffany Lisa WAI-Fung (Tiffany)
IMMagine Australia & New Zealand
Suite 4, Level 2
517 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Chand, Natasha
Chand, Mukesh
Shiva's Aust-NZ Visa Services Limited
2 Siggies Place
Upper Coomera 4209
Queensland Australia
Chandra, Sunny Pratap
Sunmarg Migration Australia Pty Ltd
Suite 10
Level 10, 365 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Chandy, Susan
Aust Migration and Settlement Services
Level 3, Suite 306
125 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Chang, Mei-Yu (Maggie)
Your Migration Australia Pty Ltd
Level 21
345 Queen Street
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane City Australia
Chao, Laurette Maree (Laurette)
Chao Legal
Level 8
76 - 80 Clarence Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Chapman, Elin Anna Marie (Elin)
Chapman Immigration Services Limited
Solbergagatan 13
Jönköping 55333
Torpa Sweden
Chatt (Chatt), Darren Winston (Darren)
Visa Go Australia
24 Canning Street
Edinburgh EH3 8EG
Midlothian United Kingdom
Cheema, Sohail Khalid (Sohail)
OZNZ Visa Solutions Pty Ltd
8 Yerradhang Street
Canberra 2913
Ngunnawal Australia
Chen, Jiezhe
J & J Business Pty Ltd.
Level 25, 66 Goulburn Street
Sydney 2000
Chen, Xiaofang (Felice)
Kingstone Migration
Suite 17.05a, Level 17
227 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Chen, Ming Juan (Shirley)
Meetau Solutions Limited
34 Monaghan Ave
Auckland 1025
Mt Albert New Zealand
Chen, Jun (Joe)
New Bridge Education & Migration Pty Ltd.
Suite 5B, Level 5
33 Queen Street
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane CBD Australia
Chen, Liyuan (Jack)
New Stars Education Counselors Pty Ltd
Suite 1202 Level 12
470 Collins St.
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Chen, Diane
New Zealand Excellence Migration and Education Ltd
105 Victoria Ave
Auckland 1050
Remuera New Zealand
Chen, Hang
No Worries International Pty Ltd
510/147 Pirie St.
Adelaide 5000
Adelaide Australia
Chen, Junyu
Top New Channel Int. Education Services Ltd
Level 2, 175 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Chen, Chaoshen
Top New Channel Intl Education Services
Ground Floor, 87-93 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Chen, Xiaoyu (Michael)
Xiaoyu (Michael) Chen
24c owens rd
Epsom 1023
Epsom New Zealand
Cheng, Linda Woon Yin
89 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide 5006
South Australia Australia
Chhokar, Daisy
Migration Matrix Pty Ltd
38 Grantley Drive
Melbourne 3150
Glen Waverley Australia
Chi, Yeguang
Best Advice Limited
17 Holcroft Street
Auckland 2110
Papakura New Zealand
Chiu, Chiung-Hui (Emerald)
Chiao Shun International Pty Ltd
Level 11, 138 Albert Street
Brisbane 4109
Queensland Australia
Chong, Ying Wah (Peter)
Health Workforce Qld T/A HWQ Migration Solutions
Level 13
288 Edward Street
Brisbane 4000
Chong, Cary
Lotus Migration
69/6 Moo 10
Mae Raem Subdistrict
Chiang Mai 50180
Mae Rim District Thailand
Chorao, Isabel Maria (Isabel)
Isabel M Chorao Immigration Ltd
4 Cooper Street
Grey Lynn
Auckland 1021
Auckland New Zealand
Chowdhury, Md Moinul Hoque (Moinul)
Migration First Australia
Level 3, Suite 310, 410 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2010
Surry Hills Australia
Chu Yan Fui, Nathalie
Interstaff International
Ground Floor, 20 Clive St
Perth 6005
West Perth Australia
Chua, David Ling Choo
195 Victoria Street
Melbourne 3003
West Melbourne Australia
Citari, Jozef
Hahn & Associates Limited
46 Tuatoru Street
Wellington 5013
Lower Hutt New Zealand
Clark, Robert Alexander (Bob)
Clark Management & Consulting Ltd
72 Cliffs Road
Dunedin 9012
Saint Clair New Zealand
Clarke, Anthony Lowen
Anthony L Clarke Migration Services
14 Denholms Road
Ballan 3342
Clarke, James William (James)
LH Global Pty Ltd
Level 24
108 St George Terrace
Perth 6000
Perth Australia
Cleland, Bruce Robert (Bruce)
Novo Education Consulting Ltd (Choose New Zealand)
Level 3
142 Broadway
Newmarket New Zealand
Clements, Thomas James
Travel Link NZ Limited
Level 5, Suite 1, 300 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland New Zealand
Climo, Leanne Cherie
54 Commercial Street
Takaka 7110
Nelson / Tasman New Zealand
Coe, Patty
Coe Migration & Business Services (Aust) Pty Ltd.
Suite 3, Level 5
258 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Collins, Lillith Fanelle (Lilly)
Southern Style Visas
2 O'Callaghan Street
Queenstown 9371
Arthur's Point New Zealand
Conquer, Trevor John
NZ Harold Herbert Intl Communication Exchange Ltd
Suite 3, Level 8, 87-89 Albert Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Costello, Tanya Maree (Tanya)
Nucleus International Recruitment Pty Ltd.
Level 5, Suite 503
23 Bligh Street
Sydney 2000
Coulson, Stewart Robert (Stewart)
Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers Pty Ltd
Level 11
111 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Cozens, Todd William
Not available
Not available 0000
New Zealand
Cruywagen, Herman Johan
Kapowai Immigration Advice Ltd.
121 Mansels Road
Tauranga 3112
Parkvale New Zealand
Cruz, Kaila Erma Guiriba (Kaila Erma)
Suite 1801, level 18, 233 Castlereagh street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Cui, Pei-Yu George
Suite 1003, Level 10, The Chambers
370 Pitt St
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Dai, Mengyu (Miki)
New Fountain Ltd
5 Wainoni Heights
Auckland 0632
Greenhithe New Zealand
Dai, Ying
Suite 3, 220 Queen St.
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Dai, Jinfang (Joanne)
Youto International Limited
suite 1, level 8,
87-89 Albert Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Dajsmaili, Entel
Edwina Consultancy International Pty Ltd
Suite 1C
207 The Parade
Adelaide 5067
Norwood Australia
Danai, Naghmeh
Visa Zone Australia
25/28 Amazons Place
Brisbane 4074
Jindalee Australia
Dang, Thi Huong Giang (Gianna)
Immigration Chambers Limited
Level 20
191 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Daswaney, Hriday Manoj (Tina)
Dynasty Tours & Travels (Immigration & Visa Svcs)
Level 2
1, Regal Lane,
Next to Ratu Sakuna Park Fiji
Davies, Glynn Maxwell
240 Jackson Street
Lower Hutt 5012
Petone New Zealand
Davies, Richard Alan (Richard)
Adagent Pty Ltd T/A Visadvice
1048 Beaudesert Road
Brisbane 4108
Coopers Plains Australia
Dawson (Dawson), Michael David Joseph (Mike)
300 Queen Street
Level 9
Auckland 1141
CBD New Zealand
de Jong, Maurice Johannes (Maurice)
SK Immigration Consultant Ltd
13C/71 Spencer Road
Oteha New Zealand
De Wald-Harrison, Jennifer Kay (Jennifer)
Jennifer DeWald-Harrison
53 Hautana Street
Lower Hutt 5010
Woburn New Zealand
de Zwart, Pieter Maarten
Immigration Services Centre
31 Challinor Street
Manukau 2010
Pakuranga New Zealand
Delaney, Darren John
Australian Immigration & Visa Centre Pty Ltd
2 Bellbird Avenue
Sydney 2260
Deng, Sarah
Wellington Central New Zealand
Devarapalli, Venkateswara Rao (Venkat)
Opulentus Overseas Careers Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Floor, Plot No 1128
Road No. 36
Hyderabad 500033
Jubilee Hills India
Dhakal, Subodh
Value Education & Visa Services
Unit 8, 73-75 Hay Street
Perth 6008
Subiaco Australia
Dhindsa, Gurmeet Singh
Avante Immigration
Launer Avenue
Adelaide 5073
Rostrevor Australia
Dhulipala, Naga P (Naga)
Indaus Immigration
Suite 3, Level 11
167 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Ding, Duncan Sing Tsung (Duncan)
Duncan Ding
29 Hogarth Way
108 St. Georges Tce
Perth 6150
Bateman Australia
Dinkha, Riyadh
Riyadh Dinkha
10B/14 Mataro Close
Fairfield 2176
Edensor Park Australia
Do, Maria Kieu Oanh
Suite 1, 32 - 38 Memorial Avenue
Liverpool 2170
New South Wales Australia
Do, Hoang (Hayden)
Doslink Australia Pty Ltd
16 Halycon St
Melbourne 3030
Point Cook Australia
Donaldson, Andrew David (Andrew)
Methodist Church of New Zealand
27 Remuera Avenue
Christchurch 8022
Cashmere New Zealand
Dong, Ling
Destination Immigration Consultancy Co. Limited
Level 3, 65 Rangitikei Street
Palmerston North 4410
CBD New Zealand
Donkin, Howard Neil
Penkhull Grove Consulting Group
19 Connor Street
Melbourne 3187
Brighton East Australia
Doyle, Anna
PO Box 71
New Zealand
Dronov, Fedor (Fed)
62 Lissette Road
Newstead 3286
Newstead New Zealand
Du, Yunfeng (Daniel)
Aoling Migration & Education Centre Pty Ltd
607, 321 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Du Plessis, Leonie
Not available
Not available
Not available 0000
New Zealand
Du Plessis, Louwrens Stephanus Daniel (Stephan)
Stephan du Plessis
1/252,Bucklands Beach Road
Manukau City
Bucklands Beach New Zealand
Dubauskas-Reed, Natasha Peta
NDR Immigration Services
4197 State Highway 50
Hastings 4170
Maraekakaho New Zealand
Duff, Anggia Bertantus Haryanto (Anggia)
Anggia Bertantus Haryanto DUFF
18 Pottery Cresent
Auckland 0618
Hobsonville New Zealand
Earle, Karibatau
Suite 310/410, Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2010
Surry Hills Australia
Earnshaw, Inocencia Tiri (Witta)
Joblink International Limited
144 Waddington Drive
Lower Hutt 5011
Naenae New Zealand
Eckard, Lesley Gillian
MH Migration Services
29 Malone Loop
Mandurah 6210
Meadow Springs Australia
Eggleton, Paul William
Paul W Eggleton & Associates Ltd
Post Shop #3
Papamoa Beach Plaza
Tauranga 3151
Papamoa New Zealand
Eitzinger, Anola Darlayne
98 Evans Bay Parade
Wellington 6021
New Zealand
Elasmar, Angelique
Entity Solutions Pty Ltd
Level 24, 150 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Elias, Lelyan
Entity Solutions Pty Ltd
C/- Entity Solutions Pty Ltd
Level 24/150 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Elizabeth, Janine
Best Migration Services Global Pty Ltd.
Suite 204 / 147 Pirie Street
Adelaide 5000
Adelaide Australia
Elliott, Maree Julia
Holt Durham Migration Services
Silverton Place, Suite 53, Level 5
101 Wickham Terrace
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane Australia
Elmes, Paul
Enable Migration Limited
15 Rossmore Terrace
Christchurch 8022
Cashmere New Zealand
Emmerson, Alexia Christine Jacqueline
4 Battery Road
#25 - 01 Bank of China Building
Singapore 049908
Enano, Marie Joyce
1/7 Ti Rakau Drive
Manukau 2010
Pakuranga New Zealand
Engles, Daniel George
Interstaff International
695 Murray Street
Perth 6005
West Perth Australia
Ennion, Jim David (Jim)
Greenstone Immigration Ltd
TA Greenstone Immigration
11 London Street
Hamilton 3204
Hamilton Central New Zealand
Erda, Yashpalsinh Kiritsinh (Yashpal)
SYDNEY Australia
Erenstrom, Jan
Jan Erenstrom
Unit 2/256
Bondi Road
Sydney 2026
Bondi Australia
Eskandari, Daniel
Level 25, 88 Phillip Street
Sydney 2000
Espiner, Jenny Lea (Jenny)
NA United Kingdom
Essina, Olga Anatolievna (Olia)
Approved Immigration Limited
Harrison Road
Auckland 1060
Mt. Wellington New Zealand
Etheridge, Shona
Collective Consulting
45 Camp Street
Queenstown 9300
CBD New Zealand
Etminan, Mahtaj (May)
Nikau Immigration Limited
Unit 1 - Sarv Building - 2nd Ghalamestan
Lakani Street
Rasht Iran
Etrue-Ellis, Liza
Botchway Ellis Group Pty Ltd
1048 Beaudesert Road
Brisbane 4108
Coopers Plains Australia
Evans, Gemma
Head Resourcing Limited t/a Head Medical
2 Manor Place
Edinburgh EH3 7DD
Edinburgh United Kingdom
Fahad, Sidrah
Australian Expert Migration Services
1/230 Days Road
Adelaide 5010
Ferryden Park Australia
Faiz, Waqar
SW Corp
22/5 Coventry street
Adelaide 5095
Mawson Lakes Australia
Faka'osi, Ave (Tuliau)
T & A Faka'osi Immigration Consultants
86 Diaz Drive
Hastings 4120
Flaxmere New Zealand
Fam, Kwek Faen
KF Fam Accounting Services Ltd
Level 4, 290 Queen Street
Auckland City 1010
New Zealand
Farazdaghi, Amin
Australian Migration Network Pty Ltd.
Suite 4, Level 1
154 Marsden Street
Sydney 2150
Parramatta Australia
Farzanfar, Faraz
Central Migration Consultants
Unit 2 Level 12 NEGAR Tower, Valiasr St.
Vanak Sq. Iran
Fee, Lance Clifford
130A Hale Road
Perth 6019
Wemley Downs Australia
Feickert, Tracy Jane
Unit 15
150-160 Beaumont Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Ferguson, Natasha Caterina
Waitemata District Health Board
Level 1, 43 Taharoto Road
North Shore 0740
Takapuna New Zealand
Ferreira, Natasha
Fincor Services Australia Pty Ltd
Factory 1
291 Wickham Road
Moorabbin 3189
Moorabbin Australia
Finau, Penitoni (Penitoa)
Exceed Immigration Limited
121 Baverstock Road
Auckland 2016
Flatbush New Zealand
Flores, Dominey
Silverfern Immigration Services Limited
Suite 4
29 Picton Street
Auckland 2014
New Zealand
Ford (Wong), Chun Fong Coral (Coral)
Pioneer Consulting Chartered Accountants Ltd
269 Te Atatu Road
Auckland 0610
Te Atatu South New Zealand
Forster, Nicole Stacy
Castle Recruitment 2001 Limited
Unit B, Airport Business Park
92B Russley Road
New Zealand
Fourie, Robert John William (Robbie)
Immigration Services
15 Hellyers Street
Auckland 0626
Birkdale New Zealand
Francis, Nicole Ria
9 Karaka Street
North Shore City 0622
Takapuna New Zealand
Francis, Edward
Aust Migration & Settlement Services
Level 3, Suite 306
125 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Frankcombe, Grant Lee (Grant)
Yarra Valley Migration
10 Glendale Drive
Chirnside Park 3116
Chirnside Park Australia
Fu, Yuxin
Austin Migration and Education
62 Pinelands Rd
Brisbane 4109
Sunnybank Hills Australia
Fu, Xitao
Manawatu Chinese Community Trust
62 Melksham Drive
Churton Park
Wellington 6037
Wellington New Zealand
Fukuoka, Marcelo Mota
Smart Vistos
Rua Conceicao, 233, sala 902
Campinas 13010916
Centro Brazil
Fukuta, Mika
Ausamigration & Education Service Pty Ltd
Suite 309 , 451 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Fungavaka (Letalu-Ruahe), Calphurnia Mamele (Cally)
Jarom Wade and Associates
8 Kensway Drive
Manukau 2016
Flat Bush New Zealand
Gallant (Gallant), Sylviane Simone Marie (Sylviane)
Immigration & Secretarial Services Limited
8A Clydesdale Drive
Oamaru 9401
Holmes Hill New Zealand
Gamack, William Alexander (Bill)
Level 7, 199 George Street
Brisbane 4000
Queensland Australia
Gandhi, Amarinder Singh
Amarinder Singh Gandhi
87 Neasham Drive
87 Neasham Drive
Melbourne 3175
Dandenong North Australia
Ganeshkumar, Meera
RooVista Migration & Visa Services
6 Margaret Street
Smithton 7330
Smithton Australia
Gao, Suming (Simon)
Australia & NZ International Education Centre Ltd
2 Ainwick Road
Auckland 2016
Flat Bush New Zealand
Gao, Chuan
Global Ocean Ltd
Level 12, 290 Queen Street, CBD, Auckland, New Zealand.
Auckland New Zealand
Garciano, Maria Lei (Bing)
New Kiwi Odyssey Limited
7/7 Clare Place
Manukau 1060
Mount Wellington New Zealand
Garg, Arun Kumar
Auslead International Pty Limited
71 Hawkesbury Road
Sydney 2145
Westmead Australia
Garg, Manish Paul
Shri Krishna Education & Immigration Consultants
Opp. Jila Udyog Kender, Near Motel Sunrise
Main Sirhind Road
Patiala 147001
patiala India
Gaur, Atul
Suite 202, Level 2, 60 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Gersfeld, Anne
MyVisa Manager
10 Halifax Avenue
Auckland 1051
Epsom New Zealand
Geyer, Linda
New Hope Immigration Consultants Ltd
15 Braithwaite Street
Christchurch 8041
Ilam New Zealand
Ghattor, Hardeep Singh (Hardeep)
SUITE 10.05 LEVEL 10
Ghosh, Biswajit D
Veronica Consultancy
35 Ester Crescent
Melbourne 3169
Clayton South Australia
Ghothane, Tonnou W Gurung (Tonnou WG)
TWG Ghothane
Level 1, 318 King Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Gibbs, Matthew Richard (Matt)
Gibbs Immigration
17 Swain Grove
Upper Hutt 5018
Riverstone Terraces New Zealand
Gillis, Sarah Louise (Sarah)
Aspire Australia
Suite 702
122 Arthur Street
Sydney 2060
North Sydney Australia
Glazbrook, Mark Jason
Migration Solutions Pty Ltd
33 Angas Street
Adelaide 5000
Adelaide CBD Australia
Gleisberg (Lu), Rose Lu (Xu)
Suite 112, 530 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Gnanasambandam, Annathurai (Anna)
Visa Help Australia Pty Ltd
14 Luker Street
Horsham 3400
Goel, Vijay Kumar
Jolly Duncan & Wells Limited
127 Main Highway
Auckland 1542
Ellerslie New Zealand
Gokhale, Neha
On The Mark Global Immigration Services Ltd.
1A/205 Hobson Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Goldsmith, Amanda Tersia
Not Available
Not Available 0000
Not Available New Zealand
Goossen, Femke Johanna
Oceania Development Group (EMEAR) Limited
220 Geraldine Street
Christchurch 8013
St Albans New Zealand
Gordon, Donald
Career Education Consultancy Australia Pty Ltd
Level 7, Suite 703
227 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Gorospe, Ruth
New Journey Immigration Consulting Service
7009 Bentley Drive
Gurnee 60031
United States
Gounder, Nirmala
Marshall Avenue
Tauranga 3112
Greerton New Zealand
Govender, Roanne
New Zealand Immigration Solutions
197 Yonge Street
Toronto Canada
Govindasamy, Sinnasamy
Sinnasamy Govindasamy
1/121 T Rakau Drive
Manukau 2010
New Zealand
Goyal, Praveen
Migration Centre of Australia Pty Ltd
Shop 6 3-9 Warby Street
Campbelltown 2560
Campbelltown Australia
Graham, Andrew David Fraser (Andrew)
Graham Nguyen & Associates
Maxwell House #09-17
20 Maxwell Road
Singapore 069113
Gray, Evan Towns (Evan)
Gray Immigration Education
10 Tuturu View
Whangarei 0116
Ruakaka New Zealand
Green, Robert Lee (Robert)
Pacific Migration NZ Limited
16 Clean Street
Te Kopuru 0341
Te Kopuru New Zealand
Greer, Toby James
Australia Direct Visas and Migration
Suite 8C/23 Nind St
Southport 4215
Gregan, Andrew Richard (Richard)
Overseas Emigration Ltd.
19A Graham Street
Edinburgh EH6 5QN
Mid Lothian United Kingdom
Gregorio, Flager Sweet
ITFG Global Visa Consultancy
4B, Trans Phil House
1177 Chino Roces Ave
Metro Manila 1203
Makati City Philippines
Gregory, Rosemary
Destination New Zealand 2000 Limited
52 Chateau Drive
Christchurch 8053
Ilam New Zealand
Grewal, Sukhmeet Singh
Canam Consultants Limited
SCO 83-84, Sector 17-D
Chandigarh 160017
UT India
Grey, Paul Anthony (Paul)
Greys Migration Services
123 Margaret Street
Toowoomba 4350
Toowoomba Australia
Grover, Amit
6 Watermark Way
Point Cook 3030
Victoria Australia
Groves, Megan Tracy
Offshore Visa Services
Suite 1.4, 741 Pacific Highway
Sydney 2072
Gordon Australia
Gruar, Maryanne Joy (Maryanne)
True Blue Migration
56 Mary Street
Melbourne 3040
Essendon Australia
Gu, Bo
Auspac International Pty Ltd
Suite 3A, 409 Mains Road
Brisbane 4109
Queensland Australia
Gu, Ran (Gary)
TDA Immigration and Student Services Limited
44 Kyber Pass Road
Auckland 1023
Grafton New Zealand
Guan, Chaofeng
ANZIA Immigration Lawyers
Suite 3, Level 6
303 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Gunawardene, Harini Manelle
NZ Visa Advocates Ltd
158B Heta Road
New Plymouth 4312
Highlands Park New Zealand
Guo, Qiang
Australian Pengrun Immigration Service
Level 3, 242-244 Franklin Street
Adelaide 5000
Adelaide Australia
Guo, Han
Femeda Immigration Consultancy
Level 7, 85 Queen St.
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Guo, Jianwu (Ken)
Progress Immigration Limited
24 Connell Street
Auckland City 0600
Blockhouse Bay New Zealand
Gupta, Manish
#285, Sector - 16
Haryana 134109
Panchkula India
Gupta, Sumeet
EdVantage International Consulting Ltd.
29 Kohekohe Street
Auckland 0600
New Lynn New Zealand
Gupta, Arti
The Regions Immigration Law
5C Clifton Road
Hamilton 3200
Hamilton Central New Zealand
Hajdu, Gabor
Gabor Hajdu
9 Woronora Street
Canberra 2617
Kaleen Australia
Hallett, William James (Bill)
Hallett Group Ltd t/a Filux International
Unit 11, Level 10, 300 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Hamilton, Warren
Migration Plus
12 F, Cairns Corporate Tower
15 Lake Street
Cairns 4870
Hammadieh, Osama (Sam)
Level 4, Building B
Mohamed Bin Rhalifa Street
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Hanley, Troy William
Henley & Partners UK Ltd
20 Grosvenor Place
London SW1X 7HN
Mayfair United Kingdom
Hanning (Hanning), Anne Marie (Anne)
Hanning Immigration-Adviser & Management Services
47 Stobo Street
Private residence only - no client access
Invercargill North 9810
Grasmere New Zealand
Harris, Amanda Jane
12 Wyllie Place
Cherrybrook 2126
New South Wales Australia
Harris (Masur), Danielle Elissa
Handle With Care Immigration Services
5 Younger Avenue
Melbourne 3162
Caulfield South Australia
Harris, Jeremy Graham (Jeremy)
NZ Asia Merchants Limited
10 Lane Street
New Zealand
Harwood, Andrew Ian George
Visa Bureau New Zealand Ltd
101 Pakenham Street West
Wynard Quarter
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Haryanto, Jessica Christina
Level 3, Suite 26, 301 Castlereagh Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Hashemi Fesharaki (Hashemi), Seyed Ali (Alex)
Visa Right
Suite 5A 43A Florence Street
Sydney 2077
Hornsby Australia
Hay, Ian David
TDA Immigration and Student Services Limited
Level 3, 44 Khyber Pass Road
Auckland 1023
Grafton New Zealand
Hazrati, Homa
Open Architecture Systems T/A Hazrati Immigration
45/104 Bathurst Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Heard, Shahla
NZ Visa Support
2/661 Beach Road
Rothesay Bay
Auckland 0630
Auckland New Zealand
Heathcote, Andrew
Migrate2Oz Pty Limited
Level 1, 23 Middle Street
Cleveland 4163
Cleveland Australia
Heleta (Halalilo), Melepua Lavenita (Mele)
Not Available
Not Available Not Available
Not Available Not Available
Henderson, Peter John
115 Cabramatta Road
Cabramatta 2166
New South Wales Australia
Heron, Christopher John (Chris)
White Sands College Pty Ltd. t/a Heron Assist
61 Leather Street
Geelong 3219
Breakwater Australia
Heslop, Nigel Ian
Malcolm Pacific Limited
Level 12, 49 Symonds Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Heung, Catherine C
Bright International Education Centre
605/55 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
He-Wang, Agnes Xin (Agnes)
H & W Consultancy (NZ) Limited
7 Skye Lane
Christchurch 7604
Prebbleton New Zealand
Hibbert, Paul
1 Good Street
Rangiora 7400
Canterbury New Zealand
Higgs, Marie Fatima Aloema (Aloema)
Aloema Immigration Consultant
18 Silver Creek Drive
Melbourne 3975
Lynbrook Australia
Hirose, Jun
Suite 16
650 George Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Hockings, Tracy Carol (Tracy)
14 Moki Place
Auckland 0630
Long Bay New Zealand
Holder, Kathrina Ledesma
Venture NZ Immigration & Consultancy Ltd
96 Bradwell Crescent
Christchurch 8025
Halswell New Zealand
Hoon, Fong Chong (John)
Level 2, 442 Murray Street
Perth 6000
Western Australia Australia
Hoon, Gaik Ean
Level 2, 442 Murray Street
Perth 6000
Western Australia Australia
Hooper, Jeremy William (Jeremy)
AusVisas Pty Ltd
4 Australian Visas
Unit 239 AFME, 2 Bull Creek Drive
Perth 6149
Bull Creek Australia
Horn, Frauke
Australien Shop Frankfurt
Neuseeland Visum Service
Berliner Strasse 33
Frankfurt am Main 60311
Frankfurt am Main Germany
Horne, Susan Flora May (Sue)
All About Immigration
Level 5, Toowong Tower
9 sherwood Road
Brisbane 4066
Toowong Australia
Hornery, Allan Trevor
Level 6, Suites 8 + 9
Strathfield Plaza, 11 The Boulevard
Sydney 2135
Strathfield Australia
Houppermans, Adam David
Pathways to New Zealand Limited
5th Floor, 1 Bryce Street
Hamilton 3204
CBD New Zealand
Hourigan, John A (John)
Hourigan Visa & Migration Services Pty Ltd
Level 1, AMP Building
1 Hobart Place
Canberra 2601
Howes, Rachael Emma
NZ Visa Expert
The Lodge
Alfold GU68HU
Tickners Heath United Kingdom
Hreorsen, Mark Justin
Australian Expert Visa and Citizenship Services
43 Kent Street
Melbourne 3032
Ascot Vale Australia
Hristova, Desislava (Dessie)
SIRVA Relocation Pty Ltd
Level 1, 17 Raglan Street
Melbourne 3205
South Melbourne Australia
Hsu, Pi-En (Robert)
Grace Migration Consultancy
Suite 111, Level 1, Times Square, 250 McCullough Street
Brisbane 4109
Sunnybank Australia
Hsueh, Sharyn Louise
2 Franklin Street
Brisbane 4154
Wakerley Australia
Huang, Dan (Danny)
Suite 10, level 8, 87 - 89 Albert Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Huang, Wei Wei
307 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Huang, Hou-Sheng (Jason)
Hou-Sheng Huang
1/27A Raurenga Ave
Auckland City 1043
Royal Oak New Zealand
Huang, Xiaoyun (Jesse)
Lime Education Ltd
Level 11, 300 Queen St
Auckland City New Zealand
Huang, Yu (Grant)
OZ Pathway PTY LTD
Level 2, 407-409 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Huang, Heming (Peggy)
Smartwin Immigration
66 Haruru Falls Road
Paihia 0204
Haruru New Zealand
Hudson, Esther Mae (Esther)
Grey Street Legal
37 Grey Street
Gisborne 4010
CBD New Zealand
Hull, Trudi Jane
Seasonal Solutions Co-operative Limited
17a Brandon Street
Central Otago 9320
Alexandra New Zealand
Hundal, Amandeep Singh
Star Migration Group
Suite 1103, 470 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Hunt, Alex
Suite 9/90
John Street
Cabramatta 2015
New South Wales Australia
Hunt, Kenneth (Ken)
Hunt Migration and Hunt Lawyers
Hunt Migration and Hunt Lawyers
Suite 6 204 Oxford Street
Brisbane 4171
Bulimba Australia
Huo, Jun Ling (Ben)
23 San Sebastian Drive
Point Cook 3030
Victoria Australia
Hurbis, Veronika
Sort Out My Visa
Ty Newydd Farm
Llanelli SA15 5LP
Tumble, Pontyberem United Kingdom
Hwang, Tyaejun (Sean)
WeLoveNZ Limited
23 Seafarer Crescent
Whangaparāoa 0932
Stanmore Bay New Zealand
Hyslop, Pamela Anne (Pamela)
Quartz Group Ltd t/a e-Migration NZ Central Div
18 Cameron Road
Tauranga 3110
Bay of Plenty New Zealand
Ibram, Adeeb
Fernz Migration Limited
John Davis Road
Auckland 1041
Mt Roskill New Zealand
Irwin, Glenda Yvonne (Glenda)
New Zealand Immigration Specialists Limited
137 Pigeon Mountain Road
Auckland 2012
Half Moon Bay New Zealand
Islam, Fariha Jahan
Berry, Appleman & Leiden Pty Ltd
31 Market Street
Sydney 2000
James, Andrew Stanley
20-J, 1 Point Wharf Lane
Ferry Quays
Middlesex TW8 0DD
Brentford United Kingdom
James, Collin Rex (Collin)
Not available
Not available Not available
Jariwala, Akbar Abdulrasul
Akbar Migration Services
20 Baird Street
Fawkner 3060
Fawkner Australia
Jasa, Corazon
CJ Migration
Level 1, 4 Railway Parade
Sydney 2138
Burwood Australia
Jaswal (Jaswal), Paramjit Singh (Param)
Jas Oze Migration Services
9 Lucy Hill Rise
Rowville 3178
Rowville Australia
Jayasinghe, Jameca
Jefferys, Andrea Natalie
Visa Bureau Limited
15 Harwood Road
London SW6 4QP
Fulham United Kingdom
Jenkins, Louise Marjan (Louise)
Click Immigration Limited
194 Somerville Street
Dunedin 9013
Waverley New Zealand
Jewell, Joan Kathleen (Joan)
Jewell Focus Limited
14 Icarus Place
Auckland 2012
Half Moon Bay New Zealand
Ji, Jimmy Xiaohua
Room 2108, Jing De Building, No.319 Chang De Road
Shanghai 200040
Jin An China
Ji, Fang (Helen)
Not available
Not available Not available
Not available
Jiang, Hai Ying
307 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Jiang, Fengxia (Rebecca)
910 Zhongdian Information Building
6 Zhongguancun St.
Beijing 100089
Haidian District China
Jiang, Mao Xue (James)
2203, Building 1, Wanda Plaza
93 Jianguo Road
Beijing 100022
Chaoyang District China
Jiang, Yang (Jerry)
Sea Consultants & Investment Limited
Level 6, 155 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
CBD New Zealand
Jin, Guangwu (Forrest)
New Oriental Ltd
289 East Coast Rd
Mairangi Bay New Zealand
Jing, Gang (Jerry)
Worldway Travel Limited
Level 14/C, 155 Queen Street
Auckland City 1010
New Zealand
Jochem, Wilhelmina Hendrika Charlotte (Wendy)
Wilhelmina Jochem
Brewster Road
Feilding 4777
RD7 New Zealand
Jockel, Maria Debra (Maria)
BDO Migration Services Pty Ltd
Collins Square, Tower 4
Level 18, 727 Collins Street
Melbourne 3008
Melbourne Australia
Johnson, Rachel Elizabeth
Countrywide Immigration Services Limited
9 Lambie Drive
Auckland 2104
Manukau New Zealand
Johnston, Jacinda (Cin)
The Visa Navigator
Joshi, Vinit Manubhai (Vinit)
Astro Business Solutions Pty Ltd.
28 Dove Tree Crescent
Brisbane 4073
Sinnamon Park Australia
Joshi, Manish
NZIN Consultants Limited
73 Ash Street
Auckland 1026
Avondale New Zealand
Jung, Ilyong (Daniel)
20 Margaret Street
Melbourne 3806
Berwick Australia
Kabir, Syed M N
Kangaroo Immigration & Education
9 Toolondo Close
Melbourne 3023
Caroline Springs Australia
Kailahi, Vaivaifolau
47A Valiant Street
Auckland 2022
Mangere New Zealand
Kamarudin, Muhammad Bin (Muhammad)
Fragomen Global Pty Limited
23-29 Albert Street
Suite 3331
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Kanwal, Muhammad Ali (Ali)
6 Worrall Street
Canberra 2615
Holt Australia
Kapoor, Hardeep
Hardeep Kapoor
1/38 ,Woolfield Road
Auckland 2104
Papatoetoe New Zealand
Kapoor, Sanjayai
My Immigration Help
181 Marion Road
Adelaide 5033
Richmond Australia
Karwal, Robindeep Singh (Robin)
Hawks Immigration
425 North East Road
Adelaide 5086
Hillcrest Australia
Kathriarachchi, Kalpana Vimarshani (Kalpana)
Access Immigration Consultants
7 Ken Douglas Drive
Wellington 6012
Aotea, Poririua New Zealand
Kaur, Barjinder
3 Flockhart Avenue
Valley View 5093
Kaur, Sharanpreet
300 Queenstreet level 6
Auckland CBD 1010
auckland New Zealand
Kaur, Davinder
Apex Immigration & Education Consultants Pty Ltd
1 Parkview Place
Doncaster 3108
Doncaster Australia
Kaur, Narinderpal
Connect Education & Migration Services Pty Ltd
Suite 47, 328 Albany Hwy
Perth 6100
Victoria Park Australia
Kaur, Jaspreet
Level 11, 456 Lonsdale Street
Kaur, Preeti
Preeti Kaur
Level 9, 459 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Kaushal, Shail
New Zealand Education Limited
61 Albert Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Kavanagh, John Anthony
Suite 1 Business Centre
15 Barron Parafe
Perth 6027
Joondalup Australia
Kawahara, Atsushi
Suite 42, Level 1, Pacific Centre
223 Calam Road
Sunnybank Hills 4109
Queensland Australia
Kazmi (Kazmi), Syeda Hufsa Reem (Hufsa)
NSD Accounting & Taxation Limited
137 Kolmar Road
Papatoetoe New Zealand
Kelly, Michael Joseph (Mike)
19 Konini Street
Masterton 5810
Wairarapa New Zealand
Kemenes, Agnes
No Borders Group
Level 4, 20 Park Road
Brisbane 4064
Milton Australia
Keyworth, Michael Garry (Mike)
Woburn International Group Ltd
65 Waterloo Road
Lower Hutt 5010
Hutt Central New Zealand
Khairra, Jag
My Education and Migration Services Pty Limited
Suite 309, Level 3, 343 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Khanna, Sumeet
AUM Global Education and Migration Services
11 Trythall Court
Melbourne 3028
Altona Meadows Australia
Khaze, Dean Nasser
Home Migration Services Pty Ltd
62A Wittenoom Street
East Perth 6004
Western Australia Australia
Khosla, Kiranjeet (Kiran)
Ace Consultants Ltd
44B Roma Road
Auckland 1041
Mt Roskill New Zealand
Khuwattanasenee, Wiparat (Vicky)
Jolly Glory Limited
5/150 Symonds Street
Auckland City 1010
Grafton New Zealand
Kim, Do Hyeong
Room 3, Level 1, 88 Currie Street
Adelaide 5000
South Australia Australia
Kim, Jonathan
Suite A, Level 12
2 - 26 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Kim, Jin Han (John)
Level 19, 201 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Kim, Hyong Mo (Kevin)
Goodwill International Ltd
TA Zest Migration & Education
780 Grenada Street
Tauranga 3118
Papamoa Beach West New Zealand
Kim, Misook
HANA E&I Limited
18 Meola Road
Auckland City 1022
Westmere New Zealand
Kim, William Kyung un (William)
Kimco Global Migration
Unit G, 112 Bush Rd
Auckland 1632
Rosedale New Zealand
Kim, Young Jin (Anthony)
Kokos International
1E, 243 Edward Street
Brisbane 4000
Queensland Australia
Kim, Simon
Simonnz Limited
11 Marina View Dr
West Harbour New Zealand
Kim, Yoon Shik (Shawn)
167 Idris Road
Christchurch 8052
Strowan New Zealand
Kim, Hayoung (Irene)
Sydney Diocesan Services
Level 2, 474 Kent Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Kim, Jae Young (Rachel)
Toto Consulting Limited
Oteha Valley Road
Auckland 0632
Albany New Zealand
King, Andrew Robert (Andy)
Aims Global Immigration and Education Services Ltd
2 Enfield Street
Auckland 1024
Mt Eden New Zealand
Kirk, Jacqueline Linda (Jacky)
Ark Immigration Services
13 School Road
Benneydale 3987
Benneydale New Zealand
Klintcharov, Victor
Visa Vision Ltd
25 Gladys Ave
Auckland 0629
Glenfield New Zealand
Knight, Gemma Michelle
Sirva NZ Limited
8 Lockhart Place
Auckland 2120
Mt Wellington New Zealand
Knox, Glenys Joan
GVL Migration & Settlement Limited
c/o Ellis Law, Level 6, 43 High Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Koh, Kevin Tze Chin
Visa Express Limited
Visa Express
Suite 18 100 Hay Street
Perth 6008
Subiaco Australia
Kohli, Manishi
Visawise Limited
7 Firth Street
Hamilton 3216
Hamilton East New Zealand
Kombora, Irvine
73 Kaniere Ave
Christchurch 8042
Hornby New Zealand
Konrad, Carl
Australian Immigration Law Services
Suite 1, Level 1
36 Carrington Street
Sydney 2000
Kothapally, Jeevan Kumar
3 Troy Court
Werribee 3030
Victoria Australia
Koulikov, Elena
Elena K Lawyers
6/900 Station Street
Melbourne 3129
Box Hill North Australia
Krajewski, Michael Andrew (Michael)
Michael K Lawyers
32 Myers Street
Geelong 3220
Geelong Australia
Kukutai, Helena Ann
2 NZ Immigration
Level 17 West Plaza Building
Cnr Albert and Customs Streets
Auckland CBD 1140
New Zealand
Kumar, Vijay
19 Nottingham Drive
Hamilton East
Hamilton 3216
Hamilton New Zealand
Kumar, Vinod
Hope Services Pty Ltd
Suite 3 & 4, Ground Floor, 48 Macquarie St
Sydney 2150
Parramatta Australia
Kumar, Sonal Ravinesh
Nevaehs Heaven Ltd T/A Istika Consultancy
10 Kirikiri Drive
Auckland 2110
Papakura New Zealand
Kumar, Renjit AJ
Overseas Migration To Australia
3 Galeru Place
Wanneroo 6065
Western Australia Australia
Kunz, Johannes
Johannes Kunz Migration Services
6 Haslam Court
Brisbane 4152
Carindale Australia
Kurian, Thomas Shaji (Thomas)
Riya Education & Migration Consultants
10 Bering Street
Christchurch 8051
Northwood New Zealand
Kwong, Waili (Willy)
AAS Education Consultancy
Suite 1501,Office Tower 2
Grand Plazza, No. 625,Nathan Road
Mong Kok Hong Kong
Kwong, Martin Sze Yat
P & E Immigration
3 Shingleton Lane
Auckland 2016
Flat Bush New Zealand
Lago, Lydia Riria Te-Aroha
VISA-MAP Migration Advice Professionals
VISA-MAP Migration Advice Professionals
Level 10, 555 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne City Australia
Lakhani, Bhavesh
Migration Advantage
Level 1, 299 Elizabeth St.
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Lan, Zihe (Skye)
Kingston Legal Chamber
Level 1, 4 Kingston Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Lankshear (Lawler), Tomas Lawler (Tom)
Ernst & Young Limited
100 Willis Street
Wellington 6011
Wellington New Zealand
Lau, Andrel On Ki
Suite 1, 25 Claremont Street
South Yarra 3141
Victoria Australia
Lau, Chin Wee
Kiwi Studies & Migration Advisory
VO3 - 05 - 02 Designer Office
Lingkaran SV, Sunway Velocity
Kuala Lumpur 55100
Cheras Maluri Malaysia
Lawlor, John Desmond (John)
Lawlor & Associates Limited
Thames 3500
Davy Street New Zealand
Le, Thi Hoai Tram (Tracey)
ETC Education and Travel Center
Level 3
480 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Lee, Hyun Joo (Clara)
C1, 57 Apollo Drive
North Shore City 0632
Rosedale New Zealand
Lee, Kyung Jun (Kevin)
Level 4, 239 George Street
Brisbane 4000
Queensland Australia
Lee, Linda Elaine (Linda)
Connect2New Zealand
880 Douglass Street
San Francisco 94114
Noe Valley United States
Lee, Sangjin (Brandon)
Crown Immigration Services Ltd
Suite 1
Level 3, 300 Queen Street
Auckland cbd 1010
Auckland cbd New Zealand
Lee, Roman
Li Feng Aust
713/401 Sussex Street
Sydney 2000
Haymarket Australia
Lee, Angeline Hwei Mei (Angeline)
Migrate to NZ
46 Parr Terrace
Auckland 0620
Castor Bay New Zealand
Leong, Patrick Yew Keong
Level 28, 303 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Letalu, Ueite (Itaotemai)
Letalu Immigration Co Limited
3 - 312 Great South Road
Manukau 1062
Otahuhu New Zealand
Lewis, Anthony Cameron (Anthony)
Anthony Cameron Lewis (Self employed)
24 Wakatu Avenue
Christchurch 8081
Moncks Bay New Zealand
Lewis, Ngaire Barbara
Visa 4 New Zealand Limited
70 Paparoa Rd
Opotiki 3198
Opotiki New Zealand
Li, Jiayu
Apec Immigration Group Limited
99 Green Lane
Remuera New Zealand
Li, Henry Hoi (Henry)
Aus Bridge Immigration
Suite 705, St Kilda Towers
1 Queens Road
Melbourne 3004
Melbourne Australia
Li, Ding (Samuel)
Dingxin Immigration Services Ltd
44 George Street
Palmerston North 4410
City Centre New Zealand
Li, Li (Lily)
Focus Worldwide Limited
37A Mountain View Road
Western Springs
Auckland 1022
New Zealand
Li, Jun Kun (Richard)
Golden Bridge Immigration
c/o Jun Kun Li, Golden Bridge Immigration
Level 3, 552 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Li, Danna
Hunan Yingniu Education Consultant Co.Ltd.
Room 707, Building J5J6, Jiangshandijing
No. 99 Xueshi Road
Yuelu China
Li (Li), Ping (Nature)
immigration Trust
Level 31 Plimmer Towers, 2-6 Gilmer Terrace
wellington 6011
city centre New Zealand
Li, Mengke (Melody)
Kah Lawyers
2/83 George Street
Parramatta 2150
Parramatta Australia
Li, Yangyang (Paul)
NZ International Student Centre Limited
Unit 201, 630 George Street
Sydney 2000
Li, Xi (Celia)
Rui Bang Overseas Consulting (Shanghai) Inc.
32F, WPP Campus, 399 Hengfeng Rd.
Shanghai 200070
Zhabei District China
Liang, Xiaodan (Winny)
Our Dream Migration Service Pty Ltd
Suite 111-112, 185 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Liang, Shuting (Chelsea)
self employed
105 Parkvale Road
Wellington 6012
Karori New Zealand
Licensing, MBIE TEST
Level 4, 147 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Lim, Hazel
147 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Lim, Arlena
Lin, Shuo (Frank)
Suite 6, Level 5, 377-383 Sussex Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Lin, Rene Wanyi (Rene)
Conrad Funds Management Limited
Unit 12, Level 1
114 St Georges Bay Road
Auckland 1052
Parnell New Zealand
Lin, Pingping
Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Service Centre
Room C, 5F, Yueyun Building
No.3 Zhongshan Er Road
Guangzhou 510080
Lindstrom, Jakoba Petronella (Kobie)
Access Immigration New Zealand Limited
1 Queen Street, Level 5, HSBC Building
Auckland City 1010
New Zealand
Lingham, Jamie Scott
Suite 1, 25 Claremont Street
South Yarra 3141
Victoria Australia
Lishman, Rachel Dianne
Bay Immigration Ltd
6 Goddard Grove
Wellington 6037
Churton Park New Zealand
Lisle, Sally Louise (Sally)
Level 4
70 Shortland Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland New Zealand
Lisners, Natasha Nina
Holding Redlich
Level 8, 555 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
List, Jodie Katrina
Visa Bureau Limited
15 Harwood Road
London SW6 4QP
Fulham Broadway United Kingdom
Liu, Qin (Cathy)
Suite 603, Level 6, 221 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Liu, Huiye (Catherine)
AIM New Zealand Group Ltd
1/895 Dominion Rd
Auckland 1041
Mt Roskill New Zealand
Liu, Wenqiang (Andy)
First Education Advice Centre
3/21 Wellington Street
Brisbane 4151
Coorparoo Australia
Liu, Xiaoqi
Fly Overseas Group Australia Pty Ltd
Level 12, 499 St Kilda Road
Melbourne 3004
Liu, Nathan
Malcolm Pacific Immigration
Level 2
276 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
Wellington Central New Zealand
Liu, Zhenrong
Matrixco Australia Pty Ltd
36 Morcom Ave
Melbourne 3135
Ringwood East Australia
Liu, Nelson Kin Pong (Nelson)
Nelson Liu & Co
Suite 3, 20-22 Thomas Street
Sydney 2067
Chatswood Australia
Liu, Lan (Steven)
New City Int'l Migration and Education Center
Suite 1308, 87-89 Liverpool Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Liu, Lin (Lynn)
Trusty Immigration Consultants Limited
13 Crestview Place
Auckland 0630
Browns Bay New Zealand
Lo, Annie Chia-Ni
4 Magenta Drive
Varsity Lakes 4227
Queensland Australia
Lock, Johan Bernard
Immagine Australia and New Zealand
Unit 2M, Level 2, 55-57 High Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Long, Jian (Eric)
59 Greenhithe road
Auckland 0632
Greenhithe New Zealand
Love, Amanda Louise (Amanda)
Entity Solutions Pty Ltd
Level 24
150 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Lu, Yijiang
67 Rosebank Avenue
Melbourne 3169
Clayton South Australia
Lu, Ke (Luke)
Linkworld Consulting
Level 7, 303 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Luafalealo, Tamzin Jane
New Zealand Rural General Practise Network
69 The Terrace, Level 5 Gleneagles Building
Wellington 6011
Wellington City New Zealand
Lucas, Victoria Rae (Vicky)
Rural Exchange New Zealand Ltd
21 Island Road
Waimakariri 7691
RD1 Kaiapoi New Zealand
Luo, Jianqiang
Luo International Limited
23 Mont Le Grand Road
Auckland 1024
Mount Eden New Zealand
Luthra, Rajiv
Visa Advice Centre Pty Ltd
93 Wigram Street
Sydney 2150
Harris Park Australia
Ma, Guangyun (Kevin)
Newpoint Migration and Education
Newpoint Migration and Education
Suite 3, Level 12, 350 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Ma, Yuan (Mark)
Peoples Education Limited
Suite 8A, Level 8
3 Wakefield Street
Auckland City
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Macanally, James Derek (James)
Macfarlane, Peter Granby
5 Prince Street
Invercargill 9720
Winton New Zealand
Macfarlane, Kester Nils (Nils)
Trinity Employment Services
300 Hilton Highway
Timaru 3200
Washdyke New Zealand
Mackey, Emma Louise (Emma)
Mackey Lawyers Pty Ltd
Level 1, 123 Camberwell Road
Melbourne 3123
Hawthorn East Australia
Mackintosh, Angelina Gabriella (Angelina)
Care Immigration Limited
16C Kahu Drive
Mangawhai 0505
Mangawhai New Zealand
Macmillan, Rebecca
Stirling Henry Global Migration
Level 1, 64 Castlereagh Street
Sydney 2000
Macrohon, Mary Christine (Christine)
Nuvida Limited
10 Gilford Place
Auckland 2016
East Tamaki Heights New Zealand
Madahar, Ramneek (Nick)
The Great Learning Tree Pty Ltd
Unit 6, 24 Morwick Street
Sydney 2135
Strathfield Australia
Maerean, Ionelia
Level 1, 485 Papanui Road
Christchurch 8542
Papanui New Zealand
Maggs, Geoffrey Roy
5A, 175 Queen Street
Auckland City 1141
Auckland Central New Zealand
Mahon, Suzanne
Mahon Consulting Limited
17 Buckley Road
Auckland 1023
Epsom New Zealand
Mak, Yau Pang
ACE Australia Immigration
Level 17, 31 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Malcolm, Timothy James (Tim)
TM Immigration
83 Roseberry Ave
Auckland 0626
Birkenehead New Zealand
Malek, Fadi
ALMC Australia-Link Migration Consultants
7 Avondale Street
Melbourne 3171
Springvale Australia
Malik, Nishant
Ozreach Consultants Pty Ltd.
Suite 35, Level 26, 44 Market Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Maloney, Christopher John
7 Heritage Court, Lower Bridge Street
Chester CH1 1RD
Cheshire United Kingdom
Mandan, Dhaval Rajendra
Aventus Group Pty Ltd
16 Bartley Street
Brisbane 4012
Mango Hill Australia
Mander, Simon David
AMVS Legal
33 Warwick St.
Walkerville 5075
Walkerville Australia
Mark, Moses Honson
Braustra Migration Pty Ltd.
66 Aberdeen Street
Perth 6003
Northbrige Australia
Markwell, William John (Bill)
WJ Markwell Migration Agent Pty Ltd.
Level 4 Quay Central
95 North Quay
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane Australia
Maroo, Nishant
Nishant Maroo
Suite 37, 33-41 Victoria Avenue
Sydney 2222
Penshurst Australia
Marr, Josephine Meteria
Josie Marr
PO Box K246
Haymarket 1240
Marthen, Eckhard Otto Hardy
26 Oakleigh Street
Wellington 5010
Lower Hutt New Zealand
Martin, Brett Macdonald (Brett)
First Class Pacific Limited
8 Flynn Lane
Christchurch 8025
Halswell New Zealand
Marzukie, Erwin
Uniland Migration
Suite 201, Level 2
78 Liverpool Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Mashru, Chetan Mohanlal
19/39 Old Progress Road
Brisbane 4077
Richlands Australia
Mathenge, Jessy Muthoni (Jessy)
Universal Emigration Consultants Limited
16 Denvir Street
Christchurch 8052
Strowan New Zealand
Mathew, Thomas
14 Milburn Place
Craigieburn 3064
Victoria Australia
Mathews, Shiju
AICA International Pty Limited
5 Bomaria Close
Perth 6164
South Lake Australia
Matsuse, Midori (Midori)
30 Luckens Rd
Waitakere City 0618
West Harbour New Zealand
Matsuzawa, Tomomi
Sydney Migration International Pty Ltd
Level 9, 3 Spring Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Matthews, John Anthony (John)
Verity Agency Services Pty Ltd
Level 6, 39 London Circuit
Canberra City 2601
Canberra Australia
Maudarbocus, Mohammad Ally Zulfikar (Mohammad)
PERTH 6107
Mavi, Simrandeep Kaur (Simran)
Simrandeep Mavi
69 Tarapiroe Avenue
Auckland 2112
Takanini New Zealand
McBride, Ryan Peter (Ryan)
Century Ocean Pty Ltd.
Suite F, 105 Gouger Street
Adelaide 5000
Adelaide Australia
McCallum, Thomas Jack (Tom)
113-119 The Terrace
Wellington 6011
Te Aro New Zealand
McCarthy, Christopher Mark (Chris)
Corporate Migration NZ Ltd.
66 Renall Street
Wellington 5810
Masterton New Zealand
McCarthy, Sarah Maree
Entity Solutions
Level 11, 410 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
McCormick, Amanda Christine
Ernst & Young Limited
2 Takutai Square
Auckland 1010
Britomart New Zealand
McGarrigle, Zamelia
ZMG Consultants Ltd
1210/1 Hobson Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
McGeown, Paula Louise (Paula)
Hightrees Law
118 Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5EA
London United Kingdom
McGill, Sally
New Life New Zealand Limited T/A New Life Global
Ground Floor, Sentinel House
586 Victoria Street
Hamilton 3204
New Zealand
McGuire, Kelly Michelle (Kelly)
14 Darley Circuit
Adelaide 5168
Port Noarlunga Australia
McIntosh, Robert James
Room 601, Building B, Li Jun V Mansion
No.6 Feng Cheng Yi Road
Xian 710016
Wei Yang District China
McIntosh, Heather
2-19 Cantora Avenue
Howick New Zealand
McIntyre, Robert James (Bob)
Not Available
Not Available 6000
Not Available New Zealand
McKinney, Gary
Unit A 17 Corinthian Drive
North Shore City 0752
Albany New Zealand
McNally, Estelle
McNally Migration Solutions Australia
McNally Migration Solutions Australia
7 Avondale Street
Melbourne 3171
Springvale Australia
Mcneil, Netta Temamaeroa Maria (Netta)
Koru Immigration Consultants Limited.
28 B Tram Valley Road
Auckland 0614
Swanson New Zealand
McPhail (McPhail), Lachlan Robert (Lachlan)
Immigration Partners Australia
Level 25
100 Mount Street
Sydney 2060
North Sydney Australia
Meads (Meads), Michelle Diane (Michelle)
Business Immigration NZ Ltd
73A Sherborne Street
Christchurch 8014
St Albans New Zealand
Mendonca, Lauriano (Larry)
Cathay Ind
Level 1, 550 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Mennie, Lauren Nicole
15 Harwood Road
London SW6 4QP
Fulham Broadway United Kingdom
Merrey, Noelene
ISA Group Pty Ltd.
Suite 5, Level 1
40 Hasler Road
Perth 6017
Osborne Park Australia
Miao, Sijia (James)
Novelty visa
290 Cambridge rd
Hillcrest New Zealand
Michael, Sophia
Michael Migration Agents
Suite 303, Level 3
65 York Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Miglani, Rajesh
Global Visa Hub
Net Planet Education & Immigration Consultants
H.No: 1033, Sector 19 B
Chandigarh 160019
Chandigarh India
Mikhail, Victor
40 Birriwa Circuit
Sydney 2567
Mount Annan Australia
Milesi, Jenna Maria
Jenna Milesi t/a Ecclesia Immigration
3/40 Cadogan Street
Christchurch 8023
Sydenham New Zealand
Millard, Craig Gordon
Kiwi Emigration Limited
Minerva Mill
Alcester B49 5ET
Station Road United Kingdom
Mills, Jean Ruth (Jean)
Executive Immigration
Chain House
216 Courtenay Street
New Plymouth 4310
New Zealand
Mills, David John
Visa Matters Ltd
1a/3 Ceres Court
Auckland 0632
Albany New Zealand
Milne, Glen David
Latitudes Migration Services
Level 5, 269 Wickham Street
Brisbane 4006
Fortitude Valley Australia
Milton (Milton), Rebecca Joy (Rebecca)
38 Beach Road
#05-11 South Beach Tower
Singapore 189767
Singapore Singapore
Miranda, Allan
Not Available
Melbourne 3037
Not Available Australia
Miranda, Emilie Labrador
Immigration Partners
32 Santa Rosa
340 Gulf Harbour Drive
Whangaparaoa 0930
Gulf Harbour New Zealand
Mishra, Varsha
Aims Global Immigration and Education Services Ltd
107 C Great South Road
Auckland 1051
Epsom New Zealand
Mittal, Reeta
Atlantis Education and Migration
Suite 703, 365 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Mittal, Pankaj
Pankaj Mittal
Suite A, Level 1
76-80 Station Street
Sydney 2145
Wentworthville Australia
Mitten, Mandy
Migration Planners Ltd
669 Kahikatea Flats Road
Auckland RD1
Waitoki New Zealand
Moerdyk, Frederik (Fred)
Migronz Consulting
42 George Street
Auckland 2123
Waiuku New Zealand
Mohammed, Sana Aisha (Sana)
5c Clifton Road
Hamilton Central New Zealand
Mohan Tekkam, Arathi
Sparke Helmore Lawyers
Level 29, MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place,
Sydney 2000
. Australia
Mok, Paul
Paul Mok & Co
#1147, Tip Yee House,
Butterfly Estate
New Territories n/a
Tuen Mun China
Momeni (Grace), Kourosh (Christopher)
44/47 Neridah Street
Chatswood 2067 Australia
Moncur, Daphne Ann Mereece (Daphne Ann)
New Zealand Immigration Consultants Limited
St Lukes Business Park
49 Sainsbury Road
Auckland 1346
Mt Albert New Zealand
Monson, Christopher (Chris)
Department of Conservation - Franz Josef
Westland Tai Poutini National Park Visitor Centre
69 Cron Street
Franz Josef - Waiau 7856
N/A New Zealand
Monteith, Wayne Rodney (Wayne)
WM Advisory Services Limited
8 Garin Way
Auckland 1072
Mt Wellington New Zealand
Moreno, Melissa Santiago
2/4 Glasgow Terrace
Auckland City 1023
Grafton New Zealand
Morris, Lance William (Lance)
NZ Migration Specialists Ltd.
T/A NZ Immigration Specialists
Level 12, 120 Albert Street
Auckland 1010
Central Auckland New Zealand
Mottram, Royden Russell
Level 2, Unit C
99 Queen Street
Auckland City 1143
New Zealand
Mouawad, Christien (Christine)
Visa Hero
Level 7
89 York Street
Sydney 2000
Mu, Xiugang (Robert)
Shenzhen AAE International Business Communication
Room 1712-1713
GCI Exchange Square, Jintian Road
Shenzhen 518034
Futian District China
Muehlmann, Andrea
PR Information Services for Migration
1/17 Queens Road
Sydney 2145
Westmead Australia
Murthy, Abishek Karthik (Erik)
Immigration Consultancies Limited
500 Karangahape Road
Auckland 1010
Newton New Zealand
Nadarajah, Thenakaran (Thena)
No 14-2, Jalan 31/70A
Kuala Lumpur 50480
Desa Sri Hartamas Malaysia
Nakra, Mohit
OZE Student
Suite 402, Level 4
530 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Nalmandi, Mohammed Ali
Migrate Visa Consultancy Services
9/36 Benambra Street
Melbourne 3072
Preston Australia
Nam, Chi Leung Billy (Billy)
PUKEKOHE New Zealand
Namkoong, Kyung (Katie)
1A Killybegs Drive, Pinehill
North Shore City
Auckland New Zealand
Nanda, Parul
13/61-67 Haldon Street
Lakemba 2195
Narayan, Amit Atilesh (Amit)
Auckland South Immigration Consultants Ltd
26 Donegal Park Drive, Flat Bush
Auckland 2019
Manukau New Zealand
Nassau, Tali Deborah
Newland Chase
Level 3, 100 Dorcas Street
Melbourne 3205
South Melbourne Australia
Nassiep, Barbara Bernadette
60 Powrie Street
North Shore City 0747
Glenfield New Zealand
Natividad, Wilfredo M
ACN Southern Immigration and Education Services
1616 Cityland Herrera Tower
Rufino Street
Makati 1227
Salcedo Village Philippines
Nau, Mary Jennifer (Mary)
JCentre Consultancy
Nuku’alofa Tonga
Navarette-Scholes, Rosemarie (Rose)
Humintel Consulting Limited
395 Lake Road
Takapuna New Zealand
Negi, Harish
Numero Uno Immigration Advice Services Limited
65/559 Adelaide Road
Wellington 6023
Wellington New Zealand
Nelson, Helen Margaret
14 Galaxy Drive
Auckland 0630
Mairangi Bay New Zealand
Nerida, Elcel Christine Marcos
Countrywide Immigration Services Limited
9 Lambie Drive
Auckland 2104
Manukau New Zealand
Ng, Nancy Lan Sin
554 Havelock Road
Singapore 169639
Ganges Centre #02-02 Singapore
Ng, Jun Ho
Ascend Migration
5 Atkinson Road
Perth 6008
Subiaco Australia
Ng, Ernest Lit Khoon
Austpro MIgration Advisory
58 Clontarf Terrace
Perth 6155
Canning Vale Australia
Ng, Tim Man (Raymond)
Causeway Consultancy Services
49 Salford Street
Wellington 6037
Newlands New Zealand
Ng, Sandra Siew Hoon (Sandra)
Hope Immigration Service Limited
22 Leburn Crescent
Auckland 2016
Flatbush New Zealand
Ng, Edwin Lian Wah
Virtue International Limited
Level 4, 17 Albert Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Nicomedes, Roy Rodolfo Lao (Roy)
Focus Australia Migration Services
34 Fridayhill Drive
Perth 6110
Southern River Australia
Nielsen, Rula Marie
C/O Pathways to New Zealand Limited
Floor 5, 1 Bryce Street
Hamilton 3204
Hamilton Central New Zealand
Nijamudeen, Nizam Jazeel Camazy (Jazeel)
D & J Associates
Nimmo, David Robert (David)
Hengtong Education and Immigration Consultants Ltd
126 Oriental Parade
Wellington 6011
Oriental Bay New Zealand
Nizamani, Mubashar Ahmed (Mubashar)
Green Leaf Migration Services
Suite #8.03
2 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Noakes, Christopher Michael (Christopher)
4 Bayside Drive
Northland 0420
Coopers Beach New Zealand
Noon, Sui Schep
Fairview Consultants Limited
112 West Harbour Drive
Waitakere 0618
West Harbour New Zealand
Norman, Samantha Andrea
Sparke Helmore Lawyers
Level 16, 321 Kent Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Northam, Mark Edward
Northam & Associates
Unit 302, 33 Lexington Drive
Sydney 2153
Bella Vista Australia
Nzenza, Raviro Rumbidzai (Raviro)
Nzenza Legal and Migration Services
Suite 1, 186 Barkly Street
Footscray 3011
Oakes, Jeffery Brian (Jeffery)
Jeffery B Oakes Consultancy Ltd
50 Ocean Road
Waiheke Island 1081
Surfdale New Zealand
Oakley, Simon Robin
Northland Immigration
42A Skippers Lane, SH10
Kerikeri 0295
Waipapa New Zealand
O'Connor, Paul Raymond
23/453 Springvale Road
Springvale 3171
Springvale Australia
O'Hanlon, Patrick Donovan
NZ Visa Support
4th floor
369 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Oostdyck, Willem Bastiaan (Willem)
Ausvisa Migration Pty Ltd
Ausvisa Migration Pty Ltd
5/23 Playfield Street
Brisbane 4032
Chermside Australia
Oranye, Nwando
Solutions Line Migration
3/25 Frederick st
Doncaster 3108
Orr (Fergusson), Jennifer Angela (Jennifer)
Visa Bureau
CBC House
24 Canning Street
Edinburgh EH3 8EG
Edinburgh United Kingdom
Otte, Denise Elizabeth (Denise)
Access 2 New Zealand Ltd
12 Pooley Street
Auckland 2010
Pakuranga Heights New Zealand
Oussova, Polina
Berry, Appleman & Leiden Pty Ltd
Level 30, 31 Market Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Ouwens, Paula
Ouwens Lawyers
Level 1/147 Frome Street
Adelaide 5000
Ouyang, Yi (David)
Best Education Services Australia
801/258 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Pabla, Parminder Singh (Parminder)
Wings Migration
4/14 Short Street
Cairns 4870
Redlynch Australia
Palmer, Maxwell Royce (Max)
Life Immigration Consulting Limited
Barrington Mall Business Centre
First Floor Barrington Mall
Christchurch 8024
256 Barrington Street Spreydon New Zealand
Pan, Lei
Wisesoft Migration & Education Centre
2/10 Railway Parade
Sydney 2134
Burwood Australia
Panasbodi, Pip Porntip
Suite 1, Level 6, 377-383 Sussex Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Pang, Albert
Albert Pang Consultants Sdn Bhd
Suite Rl2.052, The 19 Usj City Mall, Persiaran Kewajipan, Usj 19
Petaling Jaya 47620
Subang Jaya Malaysia
Parasher, Paritosh Kumar
Ausilink Immigration Pty Ltd.
Suite 9, 1012 Doncaster Road
Melbourne 3109
Doncaster East Australia
Parish, Christopher David
89 Melbourne Street
Adelaide 5006
North Adelaide Australia
Park, Young Ran (Young)
Educare NZ Ltd
Mill Road
Auckland 0800
Helensville New Zealand
Park, Se Ok (Isaac)
Isaac Consulting Limited
Arundel Street
Auckland City 1041
Mount Roskill New Zealand
Partridge, Lauren Elizabeth
Ernst & Young Limited
Level 39
680 George Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Pascual, Diana Sofia
NZ Way Ltd
22 Mount Marua Drive
Upper Hutt 5018
Timberlea New Zealand
Patel, Dharmendrakumar
Aussizz Migration & Education Consultants
Suite 1.11, Level 1
343 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Patel, Harischandra (Harish)
Harish Patel
20 Birkhall Grove
Wellington 6022
Strathmore New Zealand
Patel, Amyn
Immigration Solutions
1/53, Heera Panna Mall
Near Oshiwara Police Stn.
Mumbai 400102
Andheri (West) India
Patel, Ketan Vallabhbhai
S. K. Consultants
Suite 203, Level 2
332 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Patterson, Treva
Arthurs Point
Arthurs Point New Zealand
Peeters, Steven Robert (Steve)
Steve Peeters & Associates
1 West Lynn Road
Waitakere 0604
Titirangi New Zealand
Pellegrini, Osvaldo Italo Lujan
311-313 Main Road
Emerald 3782
Victoria Australia
Perera, Galhenage Ashad Chandra (Ashad)
Australian Migration For U
Suite 13 203-205 Blackburn Road
Melbourne 3149
Mount Waverley Australia
Perich, Mathew
Migration Pty Ltd T/A This is Australia
Suite 24, Level 1 35 Orchid Ave
Gold Coast 4217
Surfers Paradise Australia
Pettigrew, Beth (Waveney)
Level 3, CTV Building, 249 Madras Street
Christchurch 8011
Christchurch Central New Zealand
Pham, Thi Thanh Hien (Hien)
Malcolm Pacific Limited
Level 5
2 Kitchener Street
Auckland 1010
CBD New Zealand
Phillips, Karen Mary (Karen)
Work Study Live New Zealand
20 Long Copse
Southampton, Hampshire S045 2LD
Holbury United Kingdom
Pillay, Govind Swamy (Govind)
Pillays Global Migration Solutions
2 The Boulevard
Melbourne 3074
Thomastown Australia
Pitman, Allan Colin
Suite 2, 19 Baden Street
Sydney 2034
Coogee Australia
Pitt, Melanie Gaye
1st Contact Visas
Suite 806
9 Yarra Street
Melbourne 3141
South Yarra Australia
Poole, Wanda Camille
New Zealand Shores Limited
2 George Street
Hamilton 3214
New Zealand
Popescu, Dan Gabriel (Dan)
North Shore Immigration Ltd
17A Corinthian Drive
Auckland 0632
Albany New Zealand
Power, John Thomas
125E Teodoro St Sta MARIA 1
Angeles City 2009
Balibago Philippines
Prabhakar, Sanjiv Kumar
Overseas Education and Immigration Services
SCO 145-146, 2nd Floor
Sector 8-C
Chandigarh 160018
Madhya Marg India
Profozic (Zuzic), Anja
David Mason Recruitment & Immigration Advisory
15c New Kings Road
London SW64SB
Fulham United Kingdom
Prosser, Stephen Graham (Steve)
Law Direct
60 Taronui Rd
Bay of Islands, Northland 0245
Kerikeri New Zealand
Proudman, Shannon
17 Victoria Parade
Goulburn 2580
Goulburn Australia
Pujari, Vikram Chandrakant (Vikram)
OZConnect Migration Services Pty Ltd.
Suite 1A, Level 2
802 Pacific Highway
Gordon 2072
Punchihewa, Surani Anupama Lakmali
No: 5/6
Railway Avenue
Nugegoda 10250
Western Province Sri Lanka
Punchihewa, Hemantha Sarath Kumara
No: 5/6 Railway Avenue
Nugegoda 10250
Western Province Sri Lanka
Purvis, Simon Jon
Simon Purvis
PO Box 20514
Christchurch 8543
Bishopdale New Zealand
Puthankalam Kunhunni, Rajmohan (Raj)
Dream NZ Immigration LTD
7/26 Te Taou Crescent
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Puthussery, Varghese Chakkappan (Varghese)
e-Visa Australia Pty Ltd
2a Doric Street
Perth 6148
Shelley Australia
Qazi, Abdul Nadeem (Abdul)
Australian Immigration & Education Network
6 Telford Court
Melbourne 3048
Meadow Heights Australia
Qiang, Yi (Chet)
44/370 George Street
Waterloo 2017
Waterloo Australia
Qiu (Jin), Tian
New Zealand Elementary Education Association Ltd
Suite 1, Level 6, 220 Queen St
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Quan, Qi
Visa Solutions Online
Level 4
83 Mount Street
Sydney 2060
North Sydney Australia
Qureshi, Salman Moin (Salman)
Immigration Hub Ltd
4A Mongorry Place
Auckland 1041
Mt. Roskill New Zealand
Rabuku, Rosi
Startivate Immigration Limited
8 Frederick Street
Christchurch 8011
Waltham New Zealand
Ragg, Andrew Gordon (Andrew)
ARCH Immigration
8 Carol Place
Tauranga 3110
Cherrywood New Zealand
Rahuraj, Iyathurai (Rahu)
RTN Migration & Citizenship Services
39 Longfield Way
Melbourne 3023
Deer Park Australia
Raj, Hans
Worldwide Immigration (NZ) Limited
414 Chapel Road
Flat Bush
Auckland 2016
New Zealand
Rajan, Arun
Sunshine Migration
Suite 12
50 Mernda Village Drive
Mernda 3754
Mernda Australia
Rajaratnam, Komathy
Ernst & Young Limited
680 George Street
Sydney 2000
Rajput, Harmeet Singh
Melbourne 3000
Rakos, Miklos
MR Migration
Level1 16 McDougall St
Brisbane 4064
Milton Australia
Ramasamy Menon (Menon), Deva Kunjari (Deva)
PERTH 6059
DIANELLA Australia
Ramlu, David
Level 1, Suite 22 (Axis Business Centre)
797 Plenty Road
Melbourne 3752
South Morang Australia
Ramos, Bryan Obsioma
83 Arawata Terrace
Queenstown 9300
Sunshine Bay New Zealand
Ramos, Melany
DLP Migration Services
Suite 13, 296 Marrickville Road
Marrickville 2204
New South Wales Australia
Ramos Silva (Ramos), Kerri Maree (Kerri)
Sunnyvale Limited
11 Kayes Road
Pukekohe 2120
New Zealand
Rampal, Sunil Kumar (Sunil)
A Life Line Cconsultants Group Pty Limited
Fawcett Street
Sydney 2167
Glenfield Australia
Rana, Virender
Rana Migration Pty Ltd
2770 Pakhowal Road, Kartar Complex
Near Hotel Imperial
Ransley, Sara Louise (Sara)
Moana Migration
39 Ngahere Views
Auckland 0931
Orewa New Zealand
Rayamajhi, Ayush (Ayush)
Level 1, 318 King Street
Melbourne 3000
Reddy, Sandeep
45 Waipounamu Drive
Lower Hutt 5010
Kelson New Zealand
Reeve, Gemma Louise
Fragomen LLP
Scandinavian House
2-6 Cannon Street
London EC4M 6YH
United Kingdom
Renwick, Sean
SIC Links Pty Ltd
Suite 3 level 6, 141 Queen Street
Level 27, 480 Queen Street
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane City Australia
Rezaee, Yassmin
Remarkable Immigration Limited
81A Ti Rakau Drive
Auckland 2010
Pakuranga New Zealand
Richardson, Alister Bennett
MHM Consulting
Chiyoda-ku 101-0051
Kanda-Jimbocho Japan
Riekenberg, Thomas Erich Uwe
Downunder Migration Services Ltd
48 Wairere Road
Wellington 5010
Lower Hutt New Zealand
Roberto, Obed
Obed Pty Ltd
Suite 9, Level 1
377 Sussex Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Roberts, David Mervyn
Visa Bureau Limited
15 Harwood Road
London SW6 4QP
Fulham United Kingdom
Romanik, Alexander
Unit 33, 13 Krayevedcheskaya Street
Rostov-on-Don City 344111
Rostov Oblast Russia
Romanini, Eleonora
Green Wings Migration Pty Ltd
1/40 Albemarle St
Doubleview 6018
Doubleview Australia
Rose, Stanley Ishia (Stan)
Auckland Hebrew Congregation Trust Board
54A Hawera Road
Auckland City 1071
Kohimarama New Zealand
Rowe, Andrew Fraser (Andrew)
Cappello Rowe Lawyers
462 - 468 Banna Avenue
Griffith 2680
Griffith Australia
Rudnik, Jaroslaw Jan (Jarek)
Info Australia Services Pty Limited
Suite 506, Level 5, 616 Harris St
Sydney 2007
Ultimo Australia
Russell, Marie Ann Martha
729 Tancreds Rd
Christchurch 7676
Lincoln New Zealand
Ruthenberg, Alain Daniel (Alain)
Australia Go Pty Ltd.
Shop 6
38 Cavill Avenue
Gold Coast 4217
Surfers Paradise Australia
Ryan, Simon Francis
9 Poole Lane
Queenstown 9300
New Zealand
Ryan, Caroline Anne (Caroline)
NZ Immigration Services
326 Lambton Quay
Level 4
Wellington 6011
Wellington CBD New Zealand
Saar, Yftach (Geoff)
Monash Migration
80 Menzies Road
Melbourne 3159
Melbourne Australia
Salcedo, Alfeo
One Vine Migration Australia
380 Gapan Street
corner Callejon G Earnshaw
Manila 1013
Gagalangin Tondo Philippines
Sampang, Eduardo Maala
Sampang International Limited
9 Kaipatiki Road
Auckland 0629
Glenfield New Zealand
Samujh, Boris Puran Ram (Boris)
Capric Immigration
Dunvegan Place
Hamilton 3204
Dinsdale New Zealand
Samuta, Jennifer Eileen
Sirus Migration
Ground Floor
300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane 4000
Sanders, Nigel
Australian Visa Professional Pty Ltd
Suite 20
326 Hay Street
Perth 6000
Sandhu, Gurpreet
Gurpreet Sandhu
35 Solitaire Court
Stanhope Gardens 2768
Stanhope Gardens Australia
Sandhu, Paramjeet Singh (Paramjeet)
San Migration
33 Thorngrove Ave
Craigieburn 3064
Craigieburn Australia
Sandhu, Sukhdeep Singh
Level 17
9 Castlereagh Street
Sydney 2000
Sang, Cameron David Fong
29 Athlone Crescent North
Wellington 5011
Lower Hutt New Zealand
Sang Yum, Cecilia
3 Caldecote Place
Auckland 2019
Flatbush New Zealand
Sangam, Kanna Yadav (Sangam)
Steadfast Services
17-85/6 Srinagar Colony
Hyderabad 500060
Dilsukhnagar India
Satija, Gaurav Dinesh (Gaurav)
Gaurav Satija
3/12 Rimu Street
Auckland 0600
New Lynn New Zealand
Satija, Rajesh
Kairangi Solutions Ltd
38 Pollen Street
Auckland 1021
Grey Lynn New Zealand
Savitz, Farrel Avron
Level 2, 517 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Saw, Mo Win (Helen)
NZ Pure Company Limited
Number 7, Ground Floor
37 Street, Between 78 & 79 Streets
Mandalay N/A
Mahar Aung Myay Myanmar
Sawires, Malak (Michael)
Complete Migration Pty Ltd
12 Smith Street
Sydney 2044
Tempe Australia
Schillaci, Jannaha C (Jannaha)
Sirva Relocation Pty Ltd
Level 2, Suite 202
636 St. Kilda Road
Melbourne 3004
Schunk Jr, Philip Wendell
13 Maxwelton Drive
North Shore City 0630
Mairangi Bay New Zealand
Schwartz, Mark Alan (Mark)
Not Applicable
Not available
Not available 0000
New Zealand
Scott, Alison Margaret (Alyson)
Immigration Specialists New Zealand
145 Bay View Road
Dunedin 9012
Saint Kilda New Zealand
Scrafton, Nanna Monte Alegre De Sylos
Level 1, 79 Gaunt Street
Auckland City 1010
Westhaven New Zealand
Sekerin, Mark
Mark Sekerin and Associates Pty Ltd
239 Magill Road
Maylands 5069
Sellanes, Carlos Jorge
Sellanes Clark and Associates Pty Ltd
Level 12, 37 Bligh Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Sembhi, Amandeep
Amandeep Sembhi
45 Pickaberry Ave
Auckland 2113
Karaka New Zealand
Serow, Christopher Kimberly C (Christopher)
Legal Minds Pty ltd.
157 Beardy Street
Armidale 2350
Sesham, Shivaram Prasad (Shiva)
Suite 402, 343 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Seth, Anil
Visa Valley
320 & 316 Defence Colony
Garha Road, Near Bus Stand
Jalandhar City 144001
Defence Colony India
Sethi, Geetanjali Jatin (Geetu)
Secure Education and Migration Pty Ltd.
Suite 1 & 2, Level 9
118 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Sethi, Akanksha
Vision Immigration Limited
242 Murphys Road
Auckland 2019
Flat Bush New Zealand
Sewell, Jeffrey John (Jeff)
Visa Select-Australian and New Zealand Migration
3/15 Mark Street
Forster 2428
Forster Australia
Shady, Ahmad Kamal Aly (Ahmad)
A2Z Consult Pty Ltd
A2Z Consult Pty Ltd
Shop 1/344 Waterloo Road
Greenacre 2190
Greenacre Australia
Shah, Bina
Level 13, 356 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Shahadat, Mohammed (mohammed)
Kiwi Immigration Consultants Limited
office 3, level 1
256 Barrington street
Christchurch 8024
Spreydon New Zealand
Shahi, Nabin
Goodwill Consult
Suite 1704 , Level 17,World Tower
87-89 Liverpool Street
Sydney 2000
Shakoor, Ahmad Shikib (Ahmad)
One International Migration Pty Ltd.
Level 27
101 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne CBD Australia
Sharma, Bhupinder
2 Kingsland Terrace
Auckland City 1021
Kingsland New Zealand
Sharma, Pratibha
Honest Immigrations
9 Estelle Street
Redland 4159
Birkdale Australia
Sharma, Vishal
Success Overseas Services Pty Ltd
SCO 255, Second Floor
Above Canara Bank
Chandigarh 160047
Sector 44-C India
Sharma, Tina
79 Greenfields Drive
Melbourne 3076
Epping Australia
Shead, Nicola Averil (Nicky)
New Zealand Migration Services
14 Strawberry Lane
Western Cape 7806
Cape Town South Africa
Sheehan, Michael John (Mick)
Endeavour Immigration Ltd
189 Morven Ferry Road
Queenstown 9371
Arrow Junction New Zealand
Shelley, Natasa (Natasha)
Australia Needs You.Com Pty Ltd
1A Buderim Pines Drive
Buderim 4556
Buderim Australia
Shen, Haizhu (Amy)
Top New Channel Education & Immigration Limited
Ground floor 8 Nelson st
Christchurch 8011
Riccarton New Zealand
Shi, Xijin
Applemammy Media Limited
1/837 Beach Road
Browns Bay New Zealand
Shimizu, Hideki
Rostron Carlyle Solicitors
Level 15, 270 Adelaide Street
Brisbane 4000
Queensland Australia
Shin, Seunggeun (John)
NZAK Information Centre Ltd.
Suite 607
350 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Shopneck, Leah Anne (Leah)
New Zealand Immigration Concepts
137 Milton Street
The Wood New Zealand
Shrestha, Rajesh
Nepaaus & Co - Immigration Services
Suite 1003, Level 10
97-99 Bathurst Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Shrestha, Ram Krishna
Nepcoms Services Pty Ltd
Suite 1302A, Level 13
99 York Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Shrestha, Raju
Sydney Express Education Consultancy Pty Ltd
Suite 409, Level 4
83 York Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney - CBD Australia
Shu, Yi
Golden Star International Limited
Level 9
220 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Sidhu, Mandeep Singh
Rapid Migration Services
1 Foxfield Way
Tarneit 3029
Tarneit Australia
Silbery, Josephine Chris (Christine)
Global Future Immigration Consultancy Limited
3 Houhere Close
Auckland 0632
Albany New Zealand
Sim, Peter Kok Yong (Peter)
Sim Immigration
Level 7,
108 The Terrace
Wellington 6143
Wellington New Zealand
Simpson, Allister Matthew (Allister)
Endeavour Immigration Ltd
189, Morven Ferry Road
Morven Ferry Road
Queenstown 9371
Arrow Junction New Zealand
Singer, Ian Seymour
Australia Migrate Pty Ltd
Suite 308, 282 Victoria Avenue
Chatswood 2067
New South Wales Australia
Singh, Prem Adeep
30 Rogan Street
Auckland City 1005
Hillsborough New Zealand
Singh, Gursharan
647 - 649 George Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Singh, Sukhjinder Pal (Sukhjinder)
Hope International Services
Suite 3 & 4, Ground Floor, 48 Macquarie St
Sydney 2150
Parramatta Australia
Singh, Raminder Pal
ANZ Migration Partners
69 FCI Colony
Jalandhar 144003
GTB Nagar India
Singh, Aaron
Australian Immigration Centre
Suite 204, Level 2
491 Kent Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Singh, Simma
Australian Immigration Mantra
433 Logan Road
Brisbane 4120
Greenslopes Australia
Singh, Preeti
Career Education Consultancy Australia Pty Ltd
Level 13 Suite 1303
307 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
sydney Australia
Singh, Vikram Jeet (Vikram)
Eminent Migration & Education Services
Shop 3, 194 Prospect Road
Adelaide 5082
Prospect Australia
Singh, Gurtej Pal
GPS Immigration Limited
7 Bishops Glen
Wellington 5028
Tawa New Zealand
Singh, Lovedeep (Leo)
Grace Immigration Ltd.
1/10 James Foley Avenue
Napier 4112
Pirimai New Zealand
Singh, Prem Parkash
Grindlays International Immigration
SCO 122, 3rd Floor
District Shopping Complex
Amritsar 143001
Ranjit Avenue India
Singh, Bakhash Deep
Immigration Master Pty Ltd
Shop 2, 105 Wigram Street
Sydney 2150
Harris Park Australia
Singh, Mandeep
Suite 2.02, 365 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Singh, Gurpreet
KPG Global Visas Services Pty. Ltd.
4/11 Crescent Street
Noble Park 3174
Singh, Dilpreet
Marwaha Overseas
Suite 7E, Level 5, 1 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Singh, Jyotika Sashi Lata (Julie)
Worldwide Immigration (NZ) Limited
414 Chapel Road
Manukau 2016
Dannemora New Zealand
Sinton, Matthew David (Matt)
Location Immigration Limited
The Glebe
Whakatane 3120
Coastlands New Zealand
Siulepa, Paul Toeleiu (Paul)
Unit 313
26 Jasmine Street
Sydney 2019
Botany Australia
Sivanantham, Siva Vadivelu
V. Sivanantham
43 Homewood Crescent
Wellington 6012
Karori New Zealand
Skaros, Rania
Rivermark Building
Suite 204, 34 Charles Street
Sydney 2154
Parramatta Australia
Slater, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Australian Travel Visas
28 Pendine Close
Warrington WA5 9RQ
Cheshire United Kingdom
Smart, Dion Kylie (Dion)
Quartz Group Ltd t/a e-Migration NZ Central Div
18 Cameron Road
Tauranga 3110
Bay of Plenty New Zealand
Smith, Alan Geoffrey (Alan)
Apprise Consulting
Melbourne 3202
Smith, Brenda Lee Voi (Brenda)
BLS Resources
471 Eumundi Range Road
Eumundi 4562
Eumundi Australia
Smith, Nathan Robert
Nathan Smith
C/- 1996A Great North Road
Auckland 1026
Avondale New Zealand
Smith, Phillip Wayne (Phillip)
Cnel Trole 673
Ituzaingo 1714
Ituzaingo Argentina
Solomon-Mua, Talei
Mua Pacific Limited
134 Gray Avenue
Auckland 2024
Papatoetoe New Zealand
Soryal (Soryal), Raefat (Raefat)
Anchor Immigration
Level 36, 1 Farrer Place
Governor Phillip Tower
Sydney 2124
New South Wales Australia
Sparks, Lindsay Charles (Lyn)
Business Immigration NZ Limited
440 Papanui Road
Christchurch 8052
Papanui New Zealand
Sparks, Phillip Charles (Phil)
Stamopoulos, Constantine
Bentleys Migration Law/Agents
386 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne 3002
Victoria Australia
Stanners, Tracy Alison (Tracy)
Extralife Consulting Limited
26 Beaumont Drive
Rolleston 7614
New Zealand
Steele, Adrienne
Future NZ Immigration and Visa Services Ltd
P O Box 667
Kerikeri 0245
Kerikeri New Zealand
Steiner, Johanna Katharina
Migration Associates (UK) Ltd
38-42 High Street
Guildford GU1 3EL
United Kingdom
Stewart, Ian Geoffrey (Ian)
Spectrum Immigration t/a e-migration
Level 1
136 Willow Street
Tauranga 3110
Tauranga New Zealand
Stojanovic, Danijela
3 Tolson Court
Norlane 3214
Stone, Nathan Walter
Eagle Migration Services Limited
91 Point View Drive
Auckland 2016
East Tamaki Heights New Zealand
Stone, Beverley Georgina (Bev)
Eagle Migration Services Limited
91 Point View Drive
Auckland 2016
East Tamaki Heights New Zealand
Stone, Beth Marilyn (Beth)
Evisa Immigration Limited
Level 5
15 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Struik, Jorina Heleen
Pieperij 11
Veeningen 7924 PZ
Sulit (Sulit), Renante (Renante)
RPS Migration PTY LTD
Suite 1, Level 7
470 Collins St.
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Sullivan, Katie
Dean and Sullivan Limited
3/14 Lane Street
Christchurch 8023
Woolston New Zealand
Sun, Jianya (Bill)
Bill Sun Immigration Adviser
Level 7, BM Intercontinental Center
500 Henfeng Road
Shanghai 200070
Jingan District China
Sun, Yi
Intensive Immigration Firm Pty Ltd
Suite 601
2 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Sun, Ting (Emily)
T & T Immigration
14A Blease Street
Auckland 0600
New Lynn New Zealand
Sun, Yijun (Edward)
Yijun Sun
Room 1707, Level 17, No. 158 Hanzhong Road
Shanghai 20072
Shanghai China
Swain, Brian Keith
Eagle Migration Services Limited
18 Pointon Glade
Grandview Heights
Hamilton 3200
New Zealand
Syed, Aftab Ahmed (Aftab)
AINiT Consultancy Services
4/299 Lakemba Street
Sydney 2195
Wiley Park Australia
Syed, Asif Mohammod (Asif)
Austrak Consultancy Services
47 Farr Street
Sydney 2216
Rockdale Australia
Syed Muhammad (Syed), Asad Ali (Asad)
Indus Migration and Career Services
House 3
Larien Cres
Sydney 2143
Birrong Australia
Szeko, Martin
Martin Szeko
18 Hangar Lane
Whenuapai New Zealand
Szilvassy, Martin (Martin)
This Is Australia
Suite 24, Level 1, 35 Orchid Ave
Gold Coast 4217
Surfers Paradise Australia
Tan, Richard Ting Foo
Suite 1, Level 8
454 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Tan, Yu Chen (Jenny)
International Student Exchange Services
305/145 Russell Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Tan, Laura Wanli
Tans Developments Ltd
21 Hororata Road
Takapuna New Zealand
Tanag, Marimi Mallari
Bridges Immigration and Visa Services Pty Ltd
Level 1, Suite 5
242 Hawthorn Road
Caufield 3162
Caufield Australia
Tanari, Venkata Satyanarayana
Not available
Not available
Not available
Tang, Jingchun
54 Holborow St
Sydney 2132
Croydon Australia
Tapueluelu, Edith Kaufoou (Edith)
T & N Migration Services
Level 2, Suite 8A
48 Macquarie Street
Sydney 2150
Parramatta Australia
Taylor, Robert Grandison (Rob)
Level 11, 122 Arthur Street
Sydney 2060
North Sydney Australia
Taylor, Min (Sandra)
Level 11, 122 Arthur Street
Sydney 2060
North Sydney Australia
Taylor, Philip Brian
14 Churton Street
Chester CH3 5ED
Cheshire United Kingdom
Taylor, Connor Samuel
IMMagine Australia & New Zealand Immigration
Suite 4 level 2 517 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Taylor, Kylie Ellen (Kylie)
Pivot International
3/3 Florence Street
Sydney 2090
Cremorne Australia
Teh, Kim Mooi (Kim)
Global Immigration Consultants
24/219 Hampton Road
Perth 6162
South Fremantle Australia
Teja, Ravindar Singh (Ravi Singh)
Prosper NZ Limited
1 Ahiriri Avenue
Auckland 0600
Avondale New Zealand
Telematua, Salota Aquilah Panisi
A.M.S. Recruitment LTD
1/44 Henderson Valley Road
Waitakere City 0612
Henderson New Zealand
Tempest, Sandra Margaret (Sandra)
Sandra Tempest
105A Browne Street
New Farm 4005
New Farm Australia
Teng, Fei
Everlast Consultancy Limited
300 Queen Street
Auckland Central 1010
New Zealand
Teo, Tze Hui (Jasylin)
The Future Immigration & Education Limited
41 Hereford Street
Palmerston North 4410
West End New Zealand
Thakur Hundal, Shalini
K & S Immigration Services
7 Sonterra Close
Manukau 2105
Randwick Park New Zealand
Thanaphattaratada, Maki Puttinad (Maki)
MP Migration Services
Suite 407, Level 4
661 George Street
Sydney 2000
Haymarket Australia
Thibaud, Gail Elizabeth
SolutioNZ Immigration Limited
4 Balbriggan Rise
Auckland 2016
Dannemora New Zealand
Thibaud, Andrew Leon (Andrew)
SolutioNZ Immigration Limited
4 Balbriggan Rise
Auckland 2016
Dannemora New Zealand
Thungathurthi, Badri Nath
Suite 6, Level 1, 275 Gower Street
Melbourne 3072
Preston Australia
Thurbin, Esther Jane (Esther)
Easivisa Pty Ltd.
803A Wellington Street
West Perth 6005
West Perth Australia
Tian, Yuan (Ryan)
Levyn Enterprise Pty Ltd.
Suite 102, Level 1
370 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Tiang, Kin Ming (Ming)
Ampass Consultants Company Limited
Unit A, Level 6, 175 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
To (Leung), Grace Hung Leung (Grace)
Global Visas Limited
Suite 8, "K" Plaza
501 Karangahape Road
Auckland 1010
Auckland New Zealand
Tomar, Vin
Tomkinson, Sally Ann
Sally Tomkinson
Obsidian Offices
Chester CH1 4QN
4 Chantry Court United Kingdom
Torres, Alberto Matias (Matias)
Matias Torres LIA
14 Springfield Road
Queenstown 9304
Lower Shotover New Zealand
Toubia, Hala
TIAS Total Immigration Advisory Services Ltd
Level 3, Building 10
666 Great South Road
Auckland 1051
Ellerslie New Zealand
Town, Adwin
AIDA Migration & Education Pty Ld
Suite 201, Level 2
1013 Whitehorse Road
Box Hill 3128
Box Hill Australia
Town, Boniface (Bonni)
Fly Overseas Group Australia Pty Ltd
L12, 499 St Kilda Road
Melbourne 3004
Tran, Le Khanh Van (Vivian)
Entity Solutions
Level 24, 150 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Trang, Vanessa
The Migration Agency
100 Harris Street
Pyrmont 2009
Pyrmont Australia
Tsang, Thomas Koon Wah
Level 2A, 109 Queen Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Tse, Michael Ming Him (Michael)
A & P Investments Limited
Level 2A, 109 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Turner, Kimberley Claire (Kim)
Gateway Immigration Services Limited
11 Woods Avenue
Tauranga 3110
Matua New Zealand
Tyagi, Ashwin
Immigration Hotspot
Suite 4, Level 1, 2 Cramer Street,
Melbourne 3072
Preston Australia
Unger, John Allan
KPMG Migration Services
147 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Uragoda Appuhamylage (Uragoda), Dilini D (Dilini)
ThinkOZ Migration Services Pty Ltd
4 Edith St.
Melbourne 3040
Oak Park Australia
Urquhart, Graham
Level 12, 49 Symonds Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Urquhart, Shirley Margaret (Shirley)
Freyberg High School
Freyberg Street
Palmerston North 4414
Roslyn New Zealand
Vale, Diane Louise
The Emigration Group Limited
7 Heritage Court
Lower Bridge Street
Cheshire CH11RD
Chester United Kingdom
van Bohemen Hunter, Clare Louise
New Zealand Immigration Advice Ltd
419 Colombo Street
Christchurch 8023
Sydenham New Zealand
van der Westhuyzen, Anna Magdalena (Annaleen)
Hitchcock & Associates
Suite 1202, Level 12, Tower B, Zenith Centre
821 Pacific Highway
Sydney 2067
Chatswood Australia
Van Greuning, Katherine
MCI Australia Ltd.
Canterbury Innovation Centre
Canterbury CT27FG
University Road United Kingdom
Van Zyl, Johan Hendrik Adriaan
Immigration Placement Services Limited
8A Mably Court
Whangaparaoa 0932
Stanmore Bay New Zealand
Vann, Supon
Not available
Not available 0000
Not available New Zealand
Vazquez Cueva, Amadeo Jesus
9 Viria Court
Sydney 2156
Glenhaven Australia
Veal, Gregory Thomas (Greg)
Mate Migration Ltd
Level 2
13 Austin Friars
London EC2N 2HE
London United Kingdom
Ventura, Charleen Lim (Charleen)
Fernandez Lawyers
Suite 2, 24 Main Street
Sydney 2148
Blacktown Australia
Vevers, John Benjamin Maurice (Ben)
Alan Rigas Solicitors
Suite 3, Level 1
9 George Street
Parramatta 2150
Parramatta Australia
Villacete, Samuel
230 Hampstead Road
Enfield 5085
Clearview Australia
Vole, Tuigamala Laufou Taavao (Tui)
Telestial General Consultancy Services Limited
34 Kirkella Crescent
Mangere East
Manukau 2024
Mangere New Zealand
Vorster, Geraldine Lucey
Level 2 IBIS House, 183 Hereford Street
Christchurch 8011
Christchurch Central New Zealand
Waddington, Hanna
Working International Limited
Level 1, 56 Brown Street
Ponsonby New Zealand
Wadhwa Saini, Anu Bala (Anu)
Right Direction Limited
18 Vaughan Drive
Gold Coast 4208
Ormeau Australia
Walia, Mani
Mani Walia
Suite 12
Mernda 3754
50 Mernda Village Drive Australia
Walker, Michael Damien
The Trustee for Targeted Staffing Solutions
Suite 11, 23-25 Gipps Street
Collingwood 3066
Wang, Lingmei Lily
Level 9, 416-420 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia
Wang, Kai
Suite 3A, 409 Mains Road
Brisbane 4109
Sunnybank Australia
Wang, Kanglong (Tony)
Ausking International Investment Consulting Group
305/365 Little Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Wang (Lee), Yi (Trinity)
Auszealandia Immigration
51 A Patons Road
Auckland 2014
Howick New Zealand
Wang, Nan (Ross)
Believe Consultant Limited
53 Takutai Avenue
Auckland 2012
Half Moon Bay New Zealand
Wang, Di (Didi)
Di Wang
30 Ockleston Landing
Hobsonville New Zealand
Wang, Yi (Alan)
Hanna Consultant Ltd
Unit 3, Level 6
220 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
CBD New Zealand
Wang, Yi (Steve)
IMMagine Australia and New Zealand
Suite 4, Level 2
517 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Wang, Jing (Jenny)
14 Mettam Drive
Auckland 0614
Swanson New Zealand
Wang, Yue
18 Viaduct Harbour Avenue
Auckland 1140
CBD New Zealand
Wang, Xiaohan (Sarah)
Novo Education Consulting Ltd
(Choose NZ Education + Migration)
Level 3C/142 Broadway
Auckland 1023
Newmarket New Zealand
Wang, Yunchao (Lisa)
Skillpeople Limited
21 Beach Road
Auckland 0620
Castor Bay New Zealand
Wang, Li
Sokrato Consulting Limited
154 Edmonton Road
Auckland 0610
Te Atatu South New Zealand
Waraich, Kanwarjot Singh (Kanwar)
Unit-103, Level-1, 20-22 Macquarie Street
Parramatta 2150
Delhi Australia
Ward, Geoffrey Samuel (Geoffrey)
Australian & NZ Visa Consultants
2nd Floor, St Gregory Building
Corner 6th & 17th Streets
Cagayan De Oro 9000
Nazareth Philippines
Watson, Donald Bruce (Don)
Australia & New Zealand Visa Assistance Centre
Suite 38B 'The Old Gym'
3rd Floor Midland Plaza, Adriatico Street
Manila 1004
Malate Philippines
Wee, Chi Chong (Wilson)
ANZ Migration PTE LTD
1 North Bridge Road
High Street Centre #23-09
Singapore 179094
Central Singapore
Weerasinghe, Amila Pinsiri (Amila)
Destiny Migration Solutions Pty Ltd.
Suite 14
No. 270 Blackburn Road
Melbourne 3150
Glen Waverley Australia
Weeratunga, Nimal S M (Nimal)
Trans Aus Migration Vic
48 Lake View Boulevard
Melbourne 3173
Keysborough Australia
Wei, Qiao
Bright Prospect Group Pty Ltd
Suite 1008, 97 - 99 Bathurst Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Wei, Tony Liansheng (Tony)
Business Success Partners Ltd
107 Great South Rd,
(Couriers Post Only)
Auckland 1345
Epsom New Zealand
Wei, Yue (Peter)
SOL Migration Pty Ltd
8 Zamia Street
Brisbane 4109
Sunnybank Australia
Welsh, Shane John (Shane)
Sydney Migration International Pty Ltd.
9/3 Spring Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Westwood, Garreth John
Nexus Visas
15388 - 24th Avenue, Suite 202
Metro Vancouver V4A 2J2
Surrey Canada
White, Jessica Zara
Arcadia Consulting Ltd
47 Becroft Drive
Auckland 0620
Forrest Hill New Zealand
White (White), Robert Akinson (Robert)
Robert White Immigration Limited
112 Bush Road
North Shore City 0632
Rosedale New Zealand
Wi, Sooyeon (Danielle)
SIS International Education Consulting Ltd
#404 Hanseung Building
1306-3 Seochodong
Seoul 137-855
Seochoku South Korea
Wickramasinghe, Suresh Dias Abeywardena (Suresh)
H & H Migration Consultants (Pty) Ltd.
4/27 Jacqueline Road
Melbourne 3149
Mount Waverley Australia
Widjaja, Eddy
Browills Limited
78 Fields Parade
Auckland 0632
Albany New Zealand
Wijesinghe, Thilinika Primalki Marita (Thilinika)
Reliance International Migration Services
9 Quarters Blvd
Melbourne 3977
Cranbourne West Australia
Wijono Koffel, Betsisuyanti (Betsy)
Phillip Au & Associates (Aust) Pty Limited
Phillip Au & Associates (AUST) Pty Ltd
Level 3 Suite 26 No 301 Castlereagh Street
Sydney 2000
NSW Australia
Williams, John David
Westpac New Zealand Limited
16 Takutai Square
Auckland 1010
Auckland New Zealand
Wilson, Adele
27 Terry Crescent
Palmerston North 4414
Milson New Zealand
Wilson, Kristen Lynn (Kristen)
Bay Immigration
62505 Delta Lake Road
Iron River 54847
Delta United States
Wilson, Julie Anne
Success Plus Ltd
27 Chums Road
Paraparaumu 5032
Paraparaumu Beach New Zealand
Won, Chang Man (James)
One Business Solution Limited
395, 5-Ga
Jung-Gu South Korea
Wong, Shinalda
Immigration Solutions Bureau Ltd
Unit J
250 Marua Road
Auckland 1051
Mount Wellington New Zealand
Wong, Siong Sah John (S S John)
John Wong & Associates Limited
3rd Floor, State Insurance Building, 88 Division Street
Christchurch 8041
Riccarton New Zealand
Wong, Kwok L M (Michael)
Mea Consultancy Pty Ltd
Level 2
250 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Wong, Chi Yan (Chris)
Strategy Consulting
Parcel Locker 10084 74060
44 Market Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Wong, Wing Kong (Wing )
Wong & Associates Chartered Accountants
Level 5,
5 Short Street
Auckland 1149
Newmarket New Zealand
Woods, Sheila Emily
Interstaff International
695 Murray Street
Perth 6005
West Perth Australia
Woods, Kevin
Self employed
4 Biggin Hall Barn
Kirkby Lonsdale LA6 2NP
High Biggins United Kingdom
Wright (Wright), Cherie Anne (Cherie)
Level 19, 201 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Wu, Jing
3/18 Francis Street
Melbourne 3168
Clayton Australia
Wu, Shuyuan (Julianne)
Not Available
Not Available 0000
New Zealand
Xu, Zhaohui (Kevin)
Auschn Migration & Education Centre Pty Ltd
Suite 23, Level 2
104 Bathurst Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Xu, Dasheng (David)
Beston Consultancy Limited
768 Mount Eden Road
Auckland 1024
Mount Eden New Zealand
Xu, Yan (Kitty)
C & N Immigration Consultants Limited
23 Kenneth Avenue
Auckland 1025
Sandringham New Zealand
Xu, Yijia
Entity Solutions Pty Ltd
C/- Entity Solutions Pty Ltd
Level 24/ 150 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Melbourne Australia
Xu, Ruidong
Not available
Not available
Not available 0000
Not available New Zealand
Xu, Yinjie (Vincent)
Sotiria Consulting
16 Brookwood Drive
Auckland 0612
Henderson New Zealand
Xu, Ting
Ting Xu
Flat 1, 1759 Great North Road
Auckland 1026
Avondale New Zealand
Xu, Cheng (Maggie)
Uwin International Investment (NZ) Ltd.
Room 501, Level 5
203 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Xue, Jia (Christina)
Evisa Immigration Limited
Level 5
175 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Yanagisawa, Mari
258 Long Street East
Graceville 4075
Queensland Australia
Yang, Weina (Vienna)
Business and Marketing Promotion Ltd
Unit 10, 8-10 Brake Street
Westlink Mall
Christchurch 8041
Upper Riccarton New Zealand
Yang, Jinxiong (Javier)
Yang, Ni (Mia)
Immigration Services Aotearoa
29 Skye Road
East Tamaki Heights
Auckland 2016
New Zealand
Yang, Yixin (Cara)
New Fountain Limited
59 Girrahween Drive
Auckland 0629
Totara Vale New Zealand
Yang, Bo
Unit 45, 3 Matisi Street
Melbourne 3071
Thornbury Australia
Yannicos, Mira
Level 1, 17 Raglan Street
Melbourne 3205
South Melbourne Australia
Yap, Kuan Cheong
iRich Limited
99 Green Lane East
Auckland 1050
Remuera New Zealand
Yapa, Lakmal Isuru (Isuru)
Sirus Migration
Level 9, 300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane 4000
Brisbane Australia
Yazokie, Virginia
Not Available
Not Available 0000
Not Available New Zealand
Ye, Xiaofei (Irene)
Roto Migration Services
Level 5, 29 Elkhorn Avenue
Gold Coast 4217
Surfers Paradise Australia
Yeung, Jeffrey Cheuk Fan (Jeffrey)
M.C.A. Lai Solicitors LLP
Room 504-506, Dominion Centre
43-59 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
Wan Chai Hong Kong
Yilmaz, Basak Rosa (Rosa)
Berry Appleman & Leiden Pty Ltd
Level 30, 31 Market Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Yip, Wai Man
JR Marriott Migration Consultancy Ltd.
29 A CNT Tower
338 Hennessy Road
Hong Kong
Wanchai Hong Kong
Yock, Nicholas Ronald
Pathway to Aus
9/2563 Gold Coast HWY
Mermaid Beach 4221
Yoon, Seong Sik (Michael)
Not Available
Yoon, Eun Bee (Kayley)
A-23-05, Vogue Residence
No 3 Jalan Bangsar
KL Eco City Malaysia
Young, Grant Robert
Exceed Immigration Limited
121 Baverstock Road
Auckland 2016
Flat Bush New Zealand
Young, Ulysses
Fragomen (Australia) Pty Ltd
Level 19, 201 Elizabeth Street
Sydney 2000
Sydney Australia
Young, Michael Robert
Visa Express International
32/3482 Main Beach Pde
Gold Coast
Main Beach Australia
Young, Elizabeth Alison (Alison)
Working In Limited
150 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2DQ
United Kingdom
Youssef, Gladys
Make My Day Immigration Services
9 Pukeiti Road
Auckland 1062
Otahuhu New Zealand
Yu, Youngsoo (Ysoo)
Suite 4, Level 8, 300 Queen Street
Auckland City
Auckland Central New Zealand
Yu, Chen (Vivian)
Asure Solution Limited
Level 5, 220 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Yu, Chen
HC Migration Consulting Ltd
461C Onehunga Mall
Auckland 1061
Onehunga New Zealand
Yu, Qing (Sally)
Coatesville- Riverhead Highway
Auckland 0793
Albany New Zealand
Yu, David Meng
Red Knot Migration
Level 8, 65 York Street
Sydney 2000
Yuan, Zuwen (Richard)
# 805-807, 370 Pitt Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Yuan, Xinyue (Lexie)
Ace Immigration
10 Halcombe Place
Auckland 0640
Green Bay New Zealand
Yuryev, Vladislav (Vlad)
38A Native Road
Pukekawa New Zealand
Zaretzky, Michelle Lee
MZ Migration International
3973 Woodridge Ct.
Colgate 53017
United States
Zdielnik, Nadiia
Achange Consultancy
Level 4/29 Kiora Road
Sydney 2228
Miranda Australia
Zeckler, Heather Diane
Valuable Immigration Services Australasia Pty Ltd
3 Lowe Street
Melbourne 3930
Mt Eliza Australia
Zeng, Zijue (Jennie)
Leader Investment Group Ltd
5C, 9-17 Victoria Street East
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Zhang, Yan (Zoe)
Suite 8A, Carnaby Centre
409 Mains Road
Brisbane 4109
Sunnybank Australia
Zhang, Jing
Suite 1308, Level 13
99 Bathurst Street
Sydney 2000
New South Wales Australia
Zhang, Yingzheng (Ying)
31 Hedge Row
Auckland 2010
Sunnyhills New Zealand
Zhang, Fengfeng
Queensland Migration Services
34 Brighton Road
Brisbane 4101
Highgate Hill Australia
Zhang, Sheng Quan (Simon)
Aohua Migration Pty Ltd.
Suite 3, Level 5
102 James Street
Perth 6003
North Bridge Australia
Zhang, Yupeng (Penny)
Austar Group
Room 1703 Hanzhong Plaza
No. 158 Hanzhong Road
Shanghai 200070
200070 China
Zhang, Austin
Ausyz Migration Advisors
706, 227 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
Zhang, Lei
B&Z Immigration Limited
87-89 Albert Street
Auckland City 1010
New Zealand
Zhang, Catherine Denise (Cathy)
Catherine Denise Zhang
501/7 Gauthorpe Street
Rhodes 2138
Rhodes Australia
Zhang, Zhongwei (Jake)
Mija International (NZ) Limited
Suite 4, Level 7
300 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Zhang, Zhao Xia (Loretta)
Million Forest International Ltd
Level 12
290 Queen Street
Auckland City 1010
Auckland Central New Zealand
Zhang, Shiruo (Rosie)
PJ Education & Immigration Services Ltd
Level 2, 109 Queen St
Auckland 1010
Auckland CBD New Zealand
Zhang, Louis Zong Liu
Robert Walters Pty Ltd
Level 53
1 Farrier Place
New South Wales Australia
Zhang, Kai-Ning Julia (Julia)
Zealand Immigration
4/243 Cambridge Terrace
Christchurch Central New Zealand
Zhao, Tingting
Citizens Advice Bureau Northcote
Northcote Library Buildings
5 Ernie Mays St
Auckland 0627
Northcote New Zealand
Zhao, Zhao (Jason)
Jason Zhao
62 Joshua Carder Drive
Auckland 0616
Hobsonville New Zealand
Zhao, Cindy Qing (Cindy)
Sirus Migration
Suite 3, 300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane 4000
Zheng, Zhengping (Sam)
1A George Street
Auckland 1023
Newmarket New Zealand
Zheng, Chenbo (Jasmine)
Unit 5/2 Distribution Lane
Sockburn New Zealand
Zhong, Wen (Evey)
Cloud Visa Limited
10A Win Grove
Hatfields Beach
Auckland 0931
Orewa New Zealand
Zhou, Juhua (Patrick)
Everest Trading Ltd
89 Angelo Avenue
Auckland 2014
Howick New Zealand
Zhou, Yimiao
New Zealand Migration Agency
103 Woodridge Drive
Wellington 6037
Woodridge New Zealand
Zhu, Qin (Judy)
ABC Immigration & Legal Consultancy
Unit 3, 123 Nelson Road
Melbourne 3128
Box Hill Australia
Zhu, Qianbing
ADH Group (Aust) Pty Ltd
1/1 Park Lane
Mount Waverley 3149
Mount Waverley Australia
Ziade, Magda
Worthy Immigration Services Australasia Pty Ltd.
71 Centre Dandenong Road
Cheltenham 3192